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Old 13 August 2008, 21:12   #1
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The World according to Codprawn: the US Patent System

< Edit: Split from a thread about trailer bearings. JK >

i would be very wary of some of these new US patents - most of them have already been done before - they will be trying to patent the wheel next!!!
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Old 13 August 2008, 22:26   #2
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And it was some read too ..
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Old 14 August 2008, 12:01   #3
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For people who wonder what I am on about.


The most public case is with Blackberry - they were delayed for a long time because a raft of stupid patents had been granted to a company who never even had any intention of making any products - a bit like people registering domain names and parking them.

In the end Blackberry had to pay $612 million as the delays were costing them more. The patents will probably be thrown out eventually but Blackberry won't get their money back!!!

Basically the US patent office allows people to patent a concept rather than an actual invention. This is crazy - it means somone could have patented a horseless carriage or a flying machine without even building a prototype!!!

There has been a long running dispute with some company who was granted a patent for a buy it now feature for online auctions - they are trying to stop Ebay from using it. This makes about as much sense as granting someone a patent for the concept of a supermarket!!!

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Old 14 August 2008, 16:11   #4
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So I'm not sure what e-commerce and the patenting or trademarking of software have to do with trailer bearings.

And I'm not sure how the few examples cited in the article becomes "most" in your post.

Have you been reading all the patents as they are granted, or are you just making sweeping generalized incorrect statements?

Cite some statistic or article saying that over half the US patents granted for some period of time should not hve been granted due to unoriginality.

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Old 14 August 2008, 21:46   #5
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Originally Posted by jyasaki View Post
So I'm not sure what e-commerce and the patenting or trademarking of software have to do with trailer bearings.

And I'm not sure how the few examples cited in the article becomes "most" in your post.

Have you been reading all the patents as they are granted, or are you just making sweeping generalized incorrect statements?

Cite some statistic or article saying that over half the US patents granted for some period of time should not hve been granted due to unoriginality.

Because I am attacking the US patent system does NOT mean I am attacking the US - don't be so touchy!!!

I thought it was common knowledge what sort of a state the US patent system was in.

they even granted someone a patent for common Yoga moves that have been around for thousands of years!!!

It costs millions of dollars in litigation fees to show that a patent should not have been granted, and most big corporations have learned that the hard way.


"A fix for a broken patent system"


"The US patent system is not working. It stands accused on all sides of stifling innovation instead of nurturing it."
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Old 14 August 2008, 22:35   #6
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Because I am attacking the US patent system does NOT mean I am attacking the US - don't be so touchy!!!

I thought it was common knowledge what sort of a state the US patent system was in.

they even granted someone a patent for common Yoga moves that have been around for thousands of years!!!

It costs millions of dollars in litigation fees to show that a patent should not have been granted, and most big corporations have learned that the hard way.


"A fix for a broken patent system"


"The US patent system is not working. It stands accused on all sides of stifling innovation instead of nurturing it."
congratulations on the spectacular digresion. I think IBWET was asking for opinions on the concept of using positive pressure to protect bearings immersed in water rather than a thesis on the validity of the intellectual property, or the general state of the USPTO!
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Old 15 August 2008, 01:57   #7
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
congratulations on the spectacular digresion. I think IBWET was asking for opinions on the concept of using positive pressure to protect bearings immersed in water rather than a thesis on the validity of the intellectual property, or the general state of the USPTO!
I agree I didn't think it would go that far - my apologies!!!
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Old 16 August 2008, 12:44   #8
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JK ever worked as a government press officer???
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