15 July 2013, 13:45
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Originally Posted by A1an
The Vaseline method isn't recommended for dealing with ticks on yourself.
Suffocating a tick causes it to regurgitate its stomach contents INTO you, along with the Lyme bacteria.
Didn't know that, cheers
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15 July 2013, 14:46
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We have a lab that rarely has a tick but our spaniel is prone to getting them.
We use frontline and one of the green tic remover things, keep a close eye on him and check him over every day to catch the little buggers. we dose them once a month at this time of year and generally we get one or two a month if they spend a lot of time running across the forest, less if they spend less time outside.
The tick collars are supposed to work really well but both our boys are in the water lots and they get really annoyed with a wet collar so it doesnt work for us.
15 July 2013, 16:05
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'Frontline' seems to work on our Shepherd,trying to keep out of the Long Grass in the Summer definitely pays off....Local Farmer I know uses 'Ivomec'  and has done for years on all his Dogs...Bit Overkill for my Taste!...but they all seem OK....and I know he pays Big Money for his Borders!
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
15 July 2013, 17:00
Country: UK - Scotland
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Well .. if it seems the consensus then, I might just carry on with the Frontline on the basis that it maybe keeps some of the beggars off ? the spaniel is a swimmer so the collers dont sound so good for her .. I did wonder about them.
I hope you get over that bite A1an .. that can be a nasty condition for some  as I'm sure you know .. I assume it just attached to your trousers and bit on the lower leg ? We have about 3500 acres of hill ground attached to the croft that I sometimes take the cocker onto and have had mild concern about this eventuality myself
15 July 2013, 17:12
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A frontline story from my sister..
Duly applied it to labs neck...thought nothing of it. Cat sleeps in same basket as dog and licked all the frontline off the dogs neck......cat no longer with us....RIP cat....poisoned...
15 July 2013, 17:20
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
.. I assume it just attached to your trousers and bit on the lower leg ?
i haven't a clue which tick it was, in the height of their activity (May/June) I can pull anything up to thirty ticks off me in a week. Granted that was before I started wearing anti tick clothing.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
28 July 2013, 07:04
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Tick stuff
As far as im aware none of the treatments are to stop ticks, but to kill them after they have set on the dogs it also breaks the cycle of the ticks breeding we use frontline all the time which you can now order from your local chemist , at least in Scotland you can as ive done it
28 August 2013, 22:17
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harkers duramitex at 1 capful to 500ml, could possibly work, not tried it myself its for pigeon lofts and chicken pens
29 August 2013, 09:16
Country: UK - England
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Wife came in last Friday after walking the dog (black Lab) & says "can you have a look at the dogs bum, there's either a clinker, sticky bud or a tick on it" Oh hum! I get all the best jobs. Anyway cut a long story short, the dog has the biggest tick I've ever seen, I'm talking grape size, attached to his anus. We end up with my missus at the sharp end with the dog in a head lock, me at the brown end with his tail in one hand & the tick spanner in the other, trying to unwind this big fecker off the dogs arse'ole, life don't get any better does it  Finally got it off & trod on it, it popped like a grape & blood every where, b'stards they are.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
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Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
29 August 2013, 09:31
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Wife came in last Friday after walking the dog (black Lab) & says "can you have a look at the dogs bum, there's either a clinker, sticky bud or a tick on it" Oh hum! I get all the best jobs. Anyway cut a long story short, the dog has the biggest tick I've ever seen, I'm talking grape size, attached to his anus. We end up with my missus at the sharp end with the dog in a head lock, me at the brown end with his tail in one hand & the tick spanner in the other, trying to unwind this big fecker off the dogs arse'ole, life don't get any better does it  Finally got it off & trod on it, it popped like a grape & blood every where, b'stards they are. 
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
29 August 2013, 12:11
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by PeterM
frontline .
Duly applied it to labs neck..... 
+1. Works for us
If your dog does get a tick the best way to kill it off is dip a cotton bud in to the mrs nail varnish soak on to tick it becomes hard in no time ..! The tick can't feed it drops of in days..!
When you get to the end of your rope..tie a knot and hang on..!!
Aberdovey Ribs
29 August 2013, 14:16
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by tony t
+1. Works for us
If your dog does get a tick the best way to kill it off is dip a cotton bud in to the mrs nail varnish soak on to tick it becomes hard in no time ..! The tick can't feed it drops of in days..!
Oh yeah, I can just imagine ours standing still whilst I painted his arse'ole shocking pink
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
29 August 2013, 14:39
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Originally Posted by tony t
+1. Works for us
If your dog does get a tick the best way to kill it off is dip a cotton bud in to the mrs nail varnish soak on to tick it becomes hard in no time ..! The tick can't feed it drops of in days..!
Ours goes potty when he smells nail varnish (or anything chemical with strong smell) runs round the room, sneezing and wiping his face and nose on everything. I think it quite irritates his nose
I can just imagine trying to grab him while painting his nether regions.
Is an particular colour more effective? ruby red, shocking pink???? or just colour co ordinate it with the hound
Then leave it there for a few days until it drops off.........
29 August 2013, 17:59
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Wife came in last Friday after walking the dog (black Lab) & says "can you have a look at the dogs bum, there's either a clinker, sticky bud or a tick on it" Oh hum! I get all the best jobs. Anyway cut a long story short, the dog has the biggest tick I've ever seen, I'm talking grape size, attached to his anus. We end up with my missus at the sharp end with the dog in a head lock, me at the brown end with his tail in one hand & the tick spanner in the other, trying to unwind this big fecker off the dogs arse'ole, life don't get any better does it  Finally got it off & trod on it, it popped like a grape & blood every where, b'stards they are. 
You're sure he hasn't got (had) piles?
29 August 2013, 18:49
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by tonto
Ours goes potty when he smells nail varnish (or anything chemical with strong smell) runs round the room, sneezing and wiping his face and nose on everything. I think it quite irritates his nose
I can just imagine trying to grab him while painting his nether regions.
Is an particular colour more effective? ruby red, shocking pink???? or just colour co ordinate it with the hound
Then leave it there for a few days until it drops off......... 
We all I can say is you lot don't have very well behaved dogs if they don't stand still.
Trying to remove the ticks can cause infection if you leave the head in,
When you get to the end of your rope..tie a knot and hang on..!!
Aberdovey Ribs
29 August 2013, 19:34
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Razorbill RIBs
You're sure he hasn't got (had) piles? 
That was my thought  if he's pulled off a dog a dog plumb  .. poor hound  
29 August 2013, 19:49
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 394
Originally Posted by tony t
We all I can say is you lot don't have very well behaved dogs if they don't stand still.
Trying to remove the ticks can cause infection if you leave the head in,
Which is exactly why I treat him with frontline, kills the ticks and they drop off, or I get them with the tick puller when he is calm, and relaxed, and not when I am making him run around with his nose feeling like it is burning from the inside!
Also I think it has already been said, but painting stuff on ticks makes them regurgitate all the nasty bugs and viruses they have in them into the dog, which causes diseases.
For me, Frontline everytime, and remove them whenever I see them.
All I can say is if your dog is happy to sit sniffing strong chemical smells, it either has no sense of smell, or it needs to go to rehab
29 August 2013, 21:05
Country: UK - England
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I sneeze in groups of five
Any ideas?
29 August 2013, 21:15
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Originally Posted by The Black Pig
I sneeze in groups of five
Any ideas?
Yup. I should stop sniffing whatever it is you're on...
29 August 2013, 21:24
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: The Black Pig
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Posts: 443
Originally Posted by willk
Yup. I should stop sniffing whatever it is you're on...

Nice one
Would have been funnier if it hadn't taken ten minutes
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