14 July 2013, 21:14
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Tick stuff for dogs
My cocker took a terrible reaction to Advantix but is ok with Frontline .. but it doesent stop her getting some odd ticks.. any suggestions of what works best for you guys ?
14 July 2013, 21:18
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
My cocker took a terrible reaction to Advantix
Have you tried it on your dog? :-/
14 July 2013, 21:26
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14 July 2013, 21:33
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Have you tried it on your dog? :-/
Look fanny baws  .. the big man wants a cognitive answer to the bigmans question .. otherwise if I have to come all the way down to cornwall ..I'll shove my boot so far up your arse people will start thinking Dock martin started making hats
( quote from a scots commedy out fit)
but 100% aplicable
14 July 2013, 21:35
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We put frontline on ours before we came up at spring bank
What reaction happened
14 July 2013, 21:38
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Look fanny baws  .. the big man wants a cognitive answer to the bigmans question .. otherwise if I have to come all the way down to cornwall .. 
As if? You jocks are as good at travelling south as I am at travelling north. You'll have to get maxi to give me slap by proxy as he's the only one who does both. I think the proxy slap may've already been booked. ;-)
14 July 2013, 21:40
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Originally Posted by mick
We put frontline on ours before we came up at spring bank
What reaction happened
The frontline is fine .. but it doesent really work (and it costs a few bob) .. the Advantx was the problem .. the dog seemed allergic to it
14 July 2013, 21:45
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Used both - dog still gets ticks
14 July 2013, 21:52
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When we used to take our mutt to France the vet told us to use Stronghold for ticks, French ticks carry more diesese so important to keep at bay.
Just use one of those green tick removers now to twist them out.
14 July 2013, 21:53
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[QUOTE=Bigmuz7;554780]. otherwise if I have to come all the way down to cornwall ..I'll shove my boot so far up your arse people will start thinking Dock martin started making hats
My Labrador never had ticks, but am sure that this is not a recommended method of administering the treatment...
14 July 2013, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Mollers
I think the proxy slap may've already been booked. ;-)
Has he delivered it yet? I promised big good things if he did...
14 July 2013, 22:05
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
. otherwise if I have to come all the way down to cornwall ..I'll shove my boot so far up your arse people will start thinking Dock martin started making hats
My Labrador never had ticks, but am sure that this is not a recommended method of administering the treatment... 
It is for Mollers
14 July 2013, 23:14
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This was posted on m  facebook wall
So treat this as any facebook post lol
Repellent for your pets:
For pets, add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, followed by 2 cups of distilled white vinegar. Ticks hate the smell and taste of vinegar, and will be easily be repelled by this ingredient alone. Then, add two spoonfuls of vegetable or almond oil, which both contain sulfur (another natural tick repellent).
To make a repellent that will also deter fleas, mix in a few spoonfuls of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, any of which will repel ticks and fleas while also creating a nicely scented repellent. Spray onto the pet's dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas including eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period, spray this solution on two to three times per day.
For you and your family:
In a spray bottle, mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water. To make a scented solution so you do not smell like bitter vinegar all day, add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil.
Eucalyptus oil is a calm, soothing scent that also works as a tick repellent, while peppermint and citrus oils give off a strong crisp scent that also repel ticks.
After mixing the solution, spray onto clothing, skin, and hair before going outdoors. Reapply every four hours to keep ticks at bay, and examine your skin and hair when back inside to make sure no ticks are on the body.
SPRmarine / SPRtraining
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15 July 2013, 07:01
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Look fanny baws  .. the big man wants a cognitive answer to the bigmans question .. otherwise if I have to come all the way down to cornwall ..I'll shove my boot so far up your arse people will start thinking Dock martin started making hats
( quote from a scots commedy out fit)
but 100% aplicable 
I'll keep you company big man!!
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15 July 2013, 07:02
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My Father in laws dog got treated with frontline, and he used to shake and be miserable for a few hours after getting it, and on the second or third tiome after getting treated he had convulsions and died. Talked to the vets about it, and of course it could never be the frontline!
We tried our dog with it, and no reaction, so we use frontline for him.
Our last cat we tried but it made her skin ulcerate and bleed so we never used it again on her.
AFAIK none of the spot on treatments work as a repellent.
They all are blood borne insecticides, which only act when a tick has engaged and bitten the dog. Acording to the bumpf, it may take up to 24 hours for the tick to die, but the transmission of diseases is normally just prior to the tick disengaging when it is full, so it minimises the transmission of any disease, not eliminate it.
I use frontline Combo, and my Wirehaired Vizsla works on our shoot which is pretty much crawling (excuse the pun) with the little buggers. Any that do bite him die pretty quickly, and dont fill with blood, and either fall off or can be picked off with the tick pulling thingys that I get from the vets.
It does need doing once a month though to be effective for ticks, so as you say it can get expensive.
I believe frontline used to do a spray on for ticks, that coated the whole beast, not sure if they do it any more, but it never smelled good either.
I have heard some people with a lot of dogs buy a product that does sheep, as it is the same stuff, but much cheaper, but you need to go to an agricultural place to get it, and tell them it is for sheep. Wouldnt want to try it myself, just heard that it works......... Of course I would not reccomend it, just heard the story
15 July 2013, 07:25
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Being from north of that Great Wall Im not one for splashing out on expensive Frontline! Bob Martins works just as well.
Unfortunately there isn't an equivalent for humans, I contracted Lyme Disease from Ticks 4 years ago and I still live with it today, a horrible disease. I'm actually dressed in anti tick clothing as I type this.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
15 July 2013, 08:59
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Originally Posted by SPR
...add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, followed by 2 cups of distilled white vinegar...........Then, add two spoonfuls of vegetable or almond oil................mix in a few spoonfuls of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil.....
Drizzle over wild rocket leaves & finish with shavings of fresh Parmesan.
Serve with warm crusty bread & air dried ham. A chilled Chablis or a dry Prosecco is a perfect accompaniment on a hot summers day, enjoy
That's my lunch sorted, anyway back to the ticks........Frontline for us + the tick pick thingy. You can also cover the tick in Vaseline or Sudo(?)cream, the thick white stuff for baby's nappy rash. Ticks breath through their skin & Vaseline & the other stuff suffocates 'em & they drop off. But you have to find 'em first.
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15 July 2013, 10:51
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
That's my lunch sorted, anyway back to the ticks........Frontline for us + the tick pick thingy. You can also cover the tick in Vaseline or Sudo(?)cream, the thick white stuff for baby's nappy rash. Ticks breath through their skin & Vaseline & the other stuff suffocates 'em & they drop off. But you have to find 'em first.
What Dave said.... Vaseline smeared over the tick works a treat....I don't bother with the meds....none seem to work. We too have a working cocker who seems to have 'sensitive skin'.... Had same with one of my Springers in past too.... poss a spaniel thing? The Jack russels are fine with anything it seems.
Incidentally, one of our Ram lambs seems to damage his horns a lot /bleed, which at this time of year is an issue with fly strike.... to keep out flies we smear the bleeds with vaseline once disenfected..... He does seem get nervous when he sees the vaseline though
15 July 2013, 11:34
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
That's my lunch sorted, anyway back to the ticks........Frontline for us + the tick pick thingy. You can also cover the tick in Vaseline or Sudo(?)cream, the thick white stuff for baby's nappy rash. Ticks breath through their skin & Vaseline & the other stuff suffocates 'em & they drop off. But you have to find 'em first.
The Vaseline method isn't recommended for dealing with ticks on yourself.
Suffocating a tick causes it to regurgitate its stomach contents INTO you, along with the Lyme bacteria.
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
15 July 2013, 12:26
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All our mutts wear "Scalibor" tick collars, replaced every 6 months, and it's rare to find a tick on them, without them they're riddled with the little buggers!
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