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Old 21 September 2006, 12:12   #21
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
I've got a sure-fire way of avoiding parking tickets. Don't park illegally.

It's really simple. If you park illegally and you get a ticket, it's your fault. No one likes getting a parking ticket, but how about taking a bit of responsibilty for your own actions instead of blaming other people?

Bah Humbug - what about when the council decide to cover every old parking space with double yellows JUST to earn money??? What about when they do this despite the fact it forces many shop keepers out of business through lack of trade?

I won't park anywhere dangerous or likely to impede traffic flow but I won't KowTow to a buch of little Hitlers either!!!
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Old 21 September 2006, 12:33   #22
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who thinks we should have a jet ski and trafic warden day?

where we can run the traffic wardens over or shot the jet skis with flairs.
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Old 21 September 2006, 13:58   #23
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Originally Posted by pop
thank you john for taking it all in good humour.
mind you john i suspect you have never been outa sight for more then a few hours have you? try getting off shore when shit hit before giving me lessons.
A few hours out of sight of land is quite enough for me. I do like to get back to a comfy bed at night.

You seemed to be quite keen on people taking responsibility for their actions when RHP Marine damaged your RIB. Different circumstances, but the same principle.

Must just be a traffic warden thing I guess . . .

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Old 21 September 2006, 14:34   #24
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I just thought it was a funny pic

and RHP marine is worse then a traffic warden, traffic wardens at least do there job properly as you can see by my pic

Rhp are the Poo that sticks to the traffic wardens shoes
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Old 21 September 2006, 19:49   #25
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Traffic Warden

Ive just looked up the description in collins english dictionary-

traffic warden one employed to supervise road traffic and parking
because they can't get a job in the real world.
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Old 21 September 2006, 20:01   #26
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GED great one

what happens when you look up RHP ?
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Old 21 September 2006, 20:12   #27
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With the government rapidly loosing the battle over speed cameras, the latest campaign in their war on drivers in taking place on another battlefield — the parking space.

At Birmingham City Council's Transport Summit in October 1998, Lynn Sloman of the anti-car lobby group Transport 2000 which is funded by bus and rail companies, said that the best means of stopping people using cars was to “take away the parking space at the end of the journey”.

Staggeringly, some politicians have actually listened to this inane ranting and are actively doing just this.


1 Motorists paid over £1.2 billion in parking charges in 2005. (Daily Telegraph)
2 Motorists paid £165M in fines in 2002 (Privilege Insurance)
3 There are only 2 million car park spaces for 32 million drivers. (Privilege Insurance)
4 Government revenue from parking charges is 50% more than when Labour came to power
5 In 2003 government spent just £29m on parking provision, compared with £48m on helping cyclists and £75m on pedestrians. (RAC Foundation)
6 1 in 10 drivers has received at least one fine in 2002. (Privilege Insurance)
7 London councils issued 4.9 million tickets in 2002, and a record 5.3 million tickets in 2003, sufficient to raise £193 million in fines.
8 A record seven million parking tickets worth £280 million were issued in the financial year 2002/3.
9 In 2002/3 Birmingham City Council hit motorists with 450 tickets a day, a total of 164000, raising more than £4 million
10 In 2005, twelve hospital trusts each raised over £1 million from parking charges.
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Old 21 September 2006, 20:41   #28
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This is what happened in Edinburgh if I recall correctly. I remember reading that Edinburgh council had reduced its parking spaces by several thousand.
I say just play them at their own game. I really can't see the point of going in to the average town centre. All the shops are either clothes shops, DVD shops, Phone shops or eateries. If your desparate for any of these items then shop out of town. Once the big shops start to lose custom and complain to the council they will soon relent and provide more parking at a better price.
Unfortunately as much as the car is bad for the environment in many different ways the genie has been let out of the bottle and it ain't going back in. Its about time the do gooders and council realised it. Also have you noticed how Council Employees all get free parking in their own secure area. It wouldn't be so bad if they did as they preached.
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Old 21 September 2006, 20:43   #29
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Originally Posted by pop


£48m on helping cyclists. (RAC Foundation)
Is that £48m spent on painting those ludicrous and dangerous cycle paths in town centres.
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Old 21 September 2006, 20:44   #30
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Originally Posted by pop
1 Motorists paid over £1.2 billion in parking charges in 2005. (Daily Telegraph)
2 Motorists paid £165M in fines in 2002 (Privilege Insurance)
3 There are only 2 million car park spaces for 32 million drivers. (Privilege Insurance)
4 Government revenue from parking charges is 50% more than when Labour came to power
5 In 2003 government spent just £29m on parking provision, compared with £48m on helping cyclists and £75m on pedestrians. (RAC Foundation)
6 1 in 10 drivers has received at least one fine in 2002. (Privilege Insurance)
7 London councils issued 4.9 million tickets in 2002, and a record 5.3 million tickets in 2003, sufficient to raise £193 million in fines.
8 A record seven million parking tickets worth £280 million were issued in the financial year 2002/3.
9 In 2002/3 Birmingham City Council hit motorists with 450 tickets a day, a total of 164000, raising more than £4 million
10 In 2005, twelve hospital trusts each raised over £1 million from parking charges.

1 Motorists saved other taxpayers £1.2 billion in 2005 by paying parking charges. (Daily Telegraph)
2 Motorists committed offences on approximately 5M occassions in 2002. (Privilege Insurance)
3 There are only 26 million cars on the road, but the statistic looks better if you quote number of drivers! (Privilege Insurance)
4 The cost of living has increased by around 25% due to inflation since the Labour government came into power. The cost of individual fines has not increased proportionately.
5 The government spent five times as much in 2003 encouraging people to use foot and pedal power where appropriate - which is more environmentally friendly and healthier for everyone. Meanwhile private organisations continue to invest in parking provision.
6 9 out of 10 drivers didn't get any fines in 2002. (Privilege Insurance)
7 Only 1/4 of tickets are issued outside london, so most of the people here are being subsidised by "townies".
8 We would all have had to pay an extra £5 each in tax if it wasn't for fines paid by people who break the rules.
9 On average, each resident of birmingham only paid 1p per day in fines.
10 Hospital trusts are finding creative ways to support their activities so they can reduce the financial burdon on the treasury whilst still providing the care we demand.

So beware - treat stats with caution!
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Old 21 September 2006, 20:48   #31
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Originally Posted by Biggles
This is what happened in Edinburgh if I recall correctly. I remember reading that Edinburgh council had reduced its parking spaces by several thousand.
I say just play them at their own game. I really can't see the point of going in to the average town centre. All the shops are either clothes shops, DVD shops, Phone shops or eateries. If your desparate for any of these items then shop out of town. Once the big shops start to lose custom and complain to the council they will soon relent and provide more parking at a better price.
Unfortunately as much as the car is bad for the environment in many different ways the genie has been let out of the bottle and it ain't going back in. Its about time the do gooders and council realised it. Also have you noticed how Council Employees all get free parking in their own secure area. It wouldn't be so bad if they did as they preached.
Yes but there is no chandlery in edinburgh city centre anyway! Seriously though parking in edinburgh for short periods (2 hours say) is pretty easy. There are also excellent park and ride facilities and pretty efficient bus services. On top of this there are good train links to many of the surrounding towns. there is still a congestion problem but encouraging people to bring their cars into town isn't going to fix that!
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Old 21 September 2006, 21:05   #32
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yer yer yer but we didnt all buy cars to travel on buses and trains

now we have the government telling us park here we will ferry you in like cattle at your cost of course. what a joke
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Old 21 September 2006, 21:23   #33
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Originally Posted by pop
yer yer yer but we didnt all buy cars to travel on buses and trains

now we have the government telling us park here we will ferry you in like cattle at your cost of course. what a joke

You don't see Labour taking much Public Transport and paying for it.
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Old 21 September 2006, 21:39   #34
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no the t*at with big ears just flys around in his jet seeing school children, thinking how can i really f**k this country before they kick me out and guess what biggles we are paying for it .

out with them all

politisians, traffic wardens, stright copers and RHP of course
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Old 21 September 2006, 23:21   #35
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No pop, you are now talking even more pish than earlier!

Originally Posted by pop
yer yer yer but we didnt all buy cars to travel on buses and trains
I personally bought a car to make journeys which aren't convenient by bus or train (usually no direct link, infrequent service etc). If I need to be in either glasgow or edinburgh city centre it is always my preference to jump on the train because: (1) it is faster (2) I can have a beer (3) it is environmentally friendly (4) I can read a book, do some work, chat on the phone etc (5) it is reasonably value for money (compared to realistic cost per mile of car use, and parking costs and desire not to line NCP's pocket!).
Originally Posted by pop
now we have the government telling us park here we will ferry you in like cattle at your cost of course. what a joke
Nobody is TELLING us what to do!
Its local government that provide the park and ride service not westminster - but its still Labour in power. Do you know what the cost for the service is? parking is free. And the return bus fare is very reasonable (about the same cost as fuel for driving) and becuase the bus uses the bus lanes it is quicker.

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Old 22 September 2006, 00:04   #36
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Most bus routes are heavily subsidised cos hardly anyone uses them - it would be cheaper to scrap all the buses and let people have free vouchers for Taxis!!!

Public transport is great in very big cities - anywhere else it's shit. Taking an old Aunt to hospital to visit Uncle takes about 12mins in a car - by bus it takes over 2 hrs as she has to change buses so many times - not exactly fair on an 80 yr old lady!!!

When we lived in London we never bothered with a car - shame the politicians think that the rest of the UK is the same as London.

Has anyone seen what the barking mad Libs want? £2000 car tax - yes that's right - £2000 and fuel to go UP!!!

Must rush out to vote for them!!! - BONKERS!!!
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Old 22 September 2006, 00:09   #37
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Ah well at least we won't have a yellow government next time then!
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Old 22 September 2006, 00:21   #38
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cod - whilst I am not supportive of excessive road tax (fairest route seems to be to stick it on fuel - biggest users/poluters/wasters get taxed more) - I am glad you are presenting the full picture: whilst their proposal is to increase road tax at one end of the scale it is actually to completely remove it at the other; but not like you to make any politically neutral comments!
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Old 22 September 2006, 12:47   #39
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Don't forget we English subsidise the Scottish. Maybe thats why you are happy with your town centres its getting English money pumped in to it.

As for subsidising buses. When I lived in East Calder (Just outside Edinburgh for those that didn't know ) you got the strange situation where two different bus companies ran double decker buses at the same time on the same routes through the village, you used to get the buses following each other. To get customers they were charging ridiculously cheap fares such as 10p to go to Livingston. Why on earth were we subsidising buses to have a price war I don't know.
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Old 22 September 2006, 12:47   #40
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polwart get a life with your goodie to shoes attitude you are the people who make this country like tihs. voting for all these stupid rules and regs mind you you are scottish that could explain it
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