Tree Surgeon/Arborist
Does anyone local to Clanfield/Waterlooville/Petersfield have a trusted Tree Surgeon or Arborist they could recommend?
Despite doing nearly everything myself I’ve never been happy working at height from ladders with a chainsaw, so these days I only do what I can from the ground with my own chainsaw.
The guy I’ve had look after the mature trees in our back garden retired a few years ago having told me I need to keep an eye on the gorgeous 40ft+ Old Maple we have as it might become unstable soon.
He always respected our philosophy of doing the bare minimum to the trees to keep them healthy and safe, enjoying their natural beauty rather than trim and shape them unnecessarily.
I’ve had two companies come and look.
One who could do the work a few days later and obviously doesn’t have a lot of work on said the Maple needed to be taken right out and wanted @£5k to do it.
The other said it just needed a light trim high up and would be OK for a number of years, but couldn’t fit it in for a few weeks, so is busy.
It’s old, probably @100yrs, and reaching the end of it’s life I expect, but I don’t want it taken out whilst there is still time for us and the wildlife to enjoy it.
Unfortunately if it comes down of it’s own accord it could do some real damage to neighbours properties, so I can’t just leave it.
So I need the opinion of somebody who cares more about the tree than their own bank balance or workload.