Originally Posted by Maximus
I have a few ORIGINAL (Marked Top Secret) Winston Churchill Documents(some signed) which others on the Forum Might find interesting!...I'll see if I can dig a few out and Post them.
I had a most interesting day at The Churchill Archives in Cambridge a few years ago when I had them authenticated,they store and conserve all his Papers both personal,and from his time in Office..Well most of them  ....Now, HE was a REAL LEADER!
You may need to be careful here
Public forums will not be good for this .. regardless of the age of the document
Because ..
1:if its been solely in your posession and you dont know the content validity/importance
2:if it was classified then , doesent mean it completely isnt now
3:it may not be suitable for public domain
Ive had to hand over home office stuff before now that was just kept as 'items of interest' from deceased family members but the crown office made it clear it was 'their' property regardless .. and I didnt fancy the argument tbh

anyway .. just saying

to keep yourself right
You may ofcourse have already jumped through these hoops from what you say