Originally Posted by simmons0
Does anyone know how i get a short wakeboarding clip off a DVD we took and onto my computer?
I can play it on the computer, but cant find a way to take the 20 seconds i want and save it. 
Did you ever manage to get the video off of your dvd
If not here is how to do it
1. Firstly it depends on whether your dvd is premastered original film or one you have produced from home movies. The main difference being that original premastered dvds are encrypted which adds an extra step to the process.
2. If it is an encrypted (premastered dvd) then im affraid you are going to have to decrypt it first before you can get at any of the video. If it is a home made dvd then you can skip to step 4.
3. To decrypt the dvd you are going to need a decrypting program and a few GB of disk space on your hard drive (depending on the size of the dvd). My suggestion for a dvd decrypting program is dvd decrypter which can be downloaded here
http://www.afterdawn.com/software/da...oftware_id=298 it is Freeware - WARNING if this is a premastered dvd it is more than likely subject to copyright so be careful what you are doing with it - if you are unsure contact the original materials producer.
4. If you had a home produced movie you would simply be able to copy the .VOB files out of the VIDEO_TS folder of the dvd or if it was encrypted you will now have some decrypted .VOB files from step 4 - either way it is these .VOB files that contain the video so they now need converting to a more user friendly format.
5. I would suggest a piece of software called Flask MPG to do this convertion - their web page can be found at
http://flaskmpeg.sourceforge.net/?inc=home and this software is Freeware. Using Flask MPG you can select the small piece of footage that you want and mark a start and stop point then extract the video in either mpg or avi formats.
I hope this helps I have not attempted to go into exactly how you use dvd decrypter or flask mpg but their is plenty of resource for this on the WWW so if you are struggling with it then get googling...