Originally Posted by codprawn
Scumbags - I used to have great fun when it was Butane - what a mixture with atomised oil mixed in!!!
I used to make some great exploding bottles - a brittle plastic 2L water bottle - full strength WD40 and make sure loads of air goes in with it. Put the top on - then make a pen sized hole in the side. The blast was incredible. Gave up after a while as once I went totally deaf for about 1/2 an hour - that scared me - didn't help I was indoors at the time!!!
I always found acetylene better for a scare factor

50/50 mix with air , and the bang factor was immense, plus it was surprisingly volatile, so much so that after mixing a 250ml bottle, and stabbing a flash hole in it with an awl ,. it went off in me hands once

, setting fire to me jersey

Ahh those were the days .. the exuberence of youth