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Old 18 July 2003, 15:18   #1
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Guys last day befor we go on holidays and just foubnd that I have been banned.
The reason well ONLY G.O.D. knows (but I have my suspisions)This is the last post you will see from me on this forum unless G.O.D. deletes it before anyone sees it and bans this name too.
I will be posting regularly on BOATMAD so see you there.
Have a good and safe holiday TO ALL.

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Old 18 July 2003, 16:38   #2
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Why is Manos banned?

See the 'Just4once' comment on another thread.......

What is going on?

All the lively guys seem to have been thrown out?

Bring back Diggler & Fuller.......
Tax is paid by mortals
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Old 18 July 2003, 17:00   #3
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Manos has not been banned. Nor has anyone else.

After his recent spate of posting incorrect and dangerous advice, followed by abusing people who pointed out that he was wrong, I temporarily suspended his ability to post messages to the forums.

We exchanged emails and Manos knows exactly what action I have taken and why. His plaintive cry of "I've been banned and I don't know why" is remarkably similar to our other serial fantasist Flanker!

Manos did say that he was going away for a few weeks and wouldn't have time to post to RIBnet anyway. I have suggested that if he is still interested that he should email me when he gets back.

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Old 19 July 2003, 12:40   #4
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Originally posted by John Kennett
Manos has not been banned. Nor has anyone else.

After his recent spate of posting incorrect and dangerous advice, followed by abusing people who pointed out that he was wrong, I temporarily suspended his ability to post messages to the frums.
I was once temporarily suspended from the pub......we call it banned up here
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Old 19 July 2003, 16:57   #5
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Not quite the same. It's like being allowed into the pub and even allowed to buy a drink. You're just not allowed to talk to anybody!

Keith (see you in Orkney JK) Hart
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Old 19 July 2003, 17:12   #6
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BTW Manos was very close to pipping me to the position of top poster. He managed 1266 posts in about 10 months!

Keith (opps there goes another one) Hart


Before anyone else says it - I know it's QUALITY that counts not quantity!
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Old 20 July 2003, 10:02   #7
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Originally posted by Keith Hart

Not quite the same. It's like being allowed into the pub and even allowed to buy a drink. You're just not allowed to talk to anybody!
Hard or Soft it's never BIG enough
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Old 20 July 2003, 23:07   #8
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Flanker and Manos advise JK on Boating advice

Well I never thought I would be saying This but Bring back Manos and Flanker,as they are both a brill laugh.

And as I have met them both can say they are just Boatmad but brill fun,Wrong about everything but who cares cos if you base your decisions totaly on those that you think are always right then your Totaly doomed anyway.As whilst we all have good intentions we may be wrong on the advice we give,as we are not boat builders ,designers,or engine developers.

So mistakes can be made.

Come back Flanker and Manos as Flanker and Manos have learnt a load of stuff now as they have done more in fast boats/ribs than JK has done this yr. ?
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Old 20 July 2003, 23:58   #9
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why - am interested now !!!

After his recent spate of posting incorrect and dangerous advice, followed by abusing people who pointed out that he was wrong,
Anyone care to point out the threads in question ????

I must admit I found him quite entertaining

last nite I went through the thread about cost of SA ribs and price make up - boy that was along thread

Doesn't it take all sorts !!!! and make for fun and balance - although dangerous advise is doggy
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Old 21 July 2003, 06:49   #10
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thread called "corrosion on jeeps/cars" 23rd June.

but forgotten about (until now!) and all forgiven. well, at least if he doesn't do any more polluting

Anyway, is Manos real? Who's met him (apart from crazyhorse)?
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Old 21 July 2003, 09:07   #11
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The trailer corrosion thread was an earlier episode.

The most recent one started off as a discussion about Falcon RIBs then moved on to trailers.

He posted bad and arguably dangerous advice (it's OK to tow a 7.5m RIB on an unbraked trailer)

When this was pointed out he became abusive

After I emailed him about this issue he replied "this is your opinion NOT MINE. Any way I'm off to the beach and will not have time for trivia for the next couple of months."

Like I said, let's see if he's still interested after his holiday . . .


You may be the only person who didn't expect you to start campaigning for Manos and Flanker!

I haven't been boating at all this year, and have clearly forgotten everything I ever knew. Thank heavens we have such knowledgeable and experienced people as you still around to guide us all in the right direction!

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Old 21 July 2003, 10:48   #12
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if you base your decisions totaly on those that you think are always right then your Totaly doomed anyway
What have you lost the plot completely, again ? the whole point of these forums is to learn, possibly by others mistakes or lessons learnt, but hopefully so we don't make the same mistake twice. If you offer advice it must come from a facts, experience or knowledge. I think you need to buy yourself a little 5.5m rib and get some experience, oh and is this Ali rib of yours "a manos" ?

Come back Flanker and Manos as Flanker and Manos have learnt a load of stuff now as they have done more in fast boats/ribs than JK has done this yr. ?
Given the amount of time JK puts into running this web site for very little reward then your coment is out of order and I request you apologise.

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Old 21 July 2003, 16:37   #13
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This thread is going down hill fast. Please can we call a stop to it. Manos is interesting and have given some interesting facts about prices and engines as well as very uninteresting information about spraying cars with diesel. Flanker was far more abusive on the forum than Manos though I can’t see his pm's or e-mails act. Please lets not continue this conversation though. I am often wrong but get corrected. I remember this time last year I was arguing with Manos about the theory of anchoring (very sad I know) and when he realised that what I was saying made sense he egnoleged it and that was that. This is the type of discussion that I look for as everyone has their own opinions. Talking about who has done what when is stupid the great thing about this forum is that it is for all. Whether they be instructors, pleasure use, expedition, or commercial. I am not interested in people pulling rank by saying I have done this their for I know more than you it is pathetic. Can we get back to Ribs now. Thanks JK for the forum.
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Old 21 July 2003, 18:43   #14
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Evening all

Hi folks,

Ha Ha another day in the life of Rib nett.

Pete 7 IMHO you should be banned from rib nett for trying to persuade others on the virtues and benefits of a reconstituted and underpowerd diesel , self fitted out floating Chicken Coop rib to be alowed on the Solent for a bit of charter work.IMHO Ha Ha

But we all do things based on our experiances,Dont we Pete 7
If you want to put some money on wether my boat exists or not then go for it Jk can be the Banker. I am waiting.

JK I have met Diggi and I like him,I have met John Fuller and I like him,I have met Manos and I like him and Flanker and I would stay overnight with all of them if I had the time and go cruising with any of them as crew anyday.

All have come close to a forum Ban but only when you meet people do you rely get to know what makes them tick.The impression you see on a forum is not always correct and neither is all there advice or info applicable.

Pete7 boat is great for some maybe ?but in my oppinion is a waste of money as ribs have moved on and a cheaper better faster boats can be had for less money. Thats my oppinion.

I may be wrong JK but when Manos gave a finger to your advice as to what constituted dangerous advice,Im am sure it was a little annoying ?

I cant imagine anybody going out and buying a trailer based on what Manos,s advice only was,Ifthey do then that is stupid?

The forum did what it does and pointed out the error in the advice,as I have done re Old teck diesel ribs that require a load of work.?

Its not a bannable offence surley to say what you believe wether correct or incorrect as long as you views are taken with a pinch of salt untill you have met the person and satisfied youreself that you are confident enough to take there word only.

As far as Jk haveing a load of experiance then I agree but we all started somewhere and my point is it doesnt take long before the novices get some sea miles under there belts and give them who think they know it all a real good pasting.

Manos and Flanker both are both happy sucsesfull men with sucsesful buisnesses. Dont underestimate them.

Providing Newbies train properly and are determined they become winners that usualy come out of now where and wipe the flaw with them that thought they had the Sea sussed.

So maybe we shouldnt right anybody off cos we believe we know best or have worn the Tee shirt as underestimating people is something I dont do as I grow older and wiser.

Maybe on certain topics and at that point in time you may feel we are right, but we can all learn, things dont stay the same,they change,weather we like it or not.IMHO

As far as an appology goes to Pete7. FU
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Old 21 July 2003, 19:32   #15
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I've said it before and I'll damn well say it again, it's how they behave on the forum that matters on the forum, not what they're like in person.
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Old 21 July 2003, 19:36   #16
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Just thought I'd point out that there's another prolific joke poster joined.. "MeMe".

Lighten up, guys!

Any moody sods get to come and help me bleed my steering thru' next weekend
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Old 21 July 2003, 19:44   #17
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Richard are you coming to The North west doo week after next.?

If you are we can do it then friday night if that helps.
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Old 21 July 2003, 21:28   #18
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Crazyhorse I will take you up on your suggestion, there is a bottle of Champs in my fridge, its yours when your boat makes it to the UK.

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Old 21 July 2003, 21:43   #19
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'horse, I won't be able to make it - too much to do! I like the spirit of your offer though.... I can just picture it, parked outside the boozer... putting fluid into the reservoir in the half-darkness, and all those double-entendres "when I turn the wheel, tweak my bleeding nipple"

So, will the champers be going over the boat or down the hatch??
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Old 21 July 2003, 21:53   #20
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Your on Pete . Must be a good bottle though. No home brew

I think that it should go over the bow at the next yrs Rib Nett Meet.
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