03 December 2005, 10:18
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Will It Ever End
Will it ever end I dont think so my thoughts are with the families off these soldiers
10 marines die in roadside blast
Ten Marines were killed and 11 wounded by a roadside bomb in Iraq, in the deadliest attack on American troops in three months.
A brief statement from the Marine Corps said the soldiers were from Regimental Combat Team 8, of the 2nd Marine Division.
They were hit on Thursday by a roadside bomb, which the military calls an improvised explosive device, made from several large artillery shells.
In another statement, the Marines reported that a US Army soldier also assigned to the 2nd Marine Division died on the same day in a rocket attack near Ramadi. Earlier, the US command said four American service members were killed on Wednesday, three of them from hostile action and the fourth in a traffic accident.
At least 2,120 members of the US military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to the Associated Press.
The Marines were on a foot patrol outside of Fallujah, about 30 miles west of Baghdad. Of the 11 who were wounded, seven have returned to duty, the Marine Corps statement said.
It added that Marines from the same unit continue to conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Fallujah and surrounding areas.
Fallujah had been a stronghold of the insurgents until US forces, led by Marines, assaulted the city in November 2004. Since then the US military and the Iraqi government have been working to rebuild the city and limit the return of insurgents.
The attack came after US commanders reported a drop in suicide and car bombings as a result of increased US-Iraqi operations.
However, Major-Gen. Rick Lynch, a coalition operations officer, warned that al Qaida in Iraq, led by Jordanian terror mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, will likely step up attacks in the next two weeks to try to disrupt parliamentary elections on December 15.
03 December 2005, 13:28
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Of course it will never end - I know that - you know that!!!
I really do wonder how Blair must be thinking these days. Labour is supposed to be a left wing party who support the "working man" - strange how they are bed fellows with the most right wing president the USA has produced in many a year!!!
04 December 2005, 15:27
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Labour is supposed to be a left wing party who support the "working man" -
Get real Codders!!. I have yet , in these days to understand the term " working man"- In the 1930's OK - but thank god, society has moved on quite considerably. Blair, bless his cotton socks - knows how elections are won- a point only now the conservatives are now getting. Elections in tthe UK are won by the party apealling to the middle ground -neither left or right.
And I am glad that somebody supports Bush,and probably a lot of UK people do as well.You never cease to offer your criticism and expert advice on the politcal scene... but I have yet to see one post from you, actually expounding
your own views and WHAT YOU ACTUALLY STAND FOR AND BELIEVE IN. I dont think you wll find this answer on the net.. but it would be nice to know who you are and where you come from.... (politically)
04 December 2005, 22:43
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Labour is supposed to be a left wing party who support the "working man" - strange how they are bed fellows with the most right wing president the USA has produced in many a year!!!
Hmmm. That's a bit politically naive seeing as how Mr Blair's "new labour" stands further to the right than Genghis Khan's right hand man and is also an unashamed admirer of Magaret Thatcher.
Personally, I miss the left wing of the labour party and the intellectual looneyism, but I fear it's long gone apart from Ken Livingstone and George Wotsisname, you know, Saddams' best mate from Glasgow.
04 December 2005, 23:01
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Trouble is, the majority of 'working men' in this country now of the type that old labour used to support were born in Albania and don't speak any English...
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05 December 2005, 01:54
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I know full well that the Labour party don't support the "working man" which is a stupid term anyway - I was being sarcastic!!!
The stupid thing is the majority of people I know who vote Labour have always done so and actually believe it!!! You could put a monkey up in the name of Labour and people would still vote for it - whoops they have!!!
As to my Politics - I USED to think myself right wing - now I am starting to sound like some commie - stop the war - Britain is turning into a Police state - too many laws - blah blah blah. Is it me who has changed or is it Tony Blair???
05 December 2005, 07:35
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is this not what happens when good men lay idle....
if you put out a trough dont be surprised if pigs come to feed...
and finally apathy rules O....
New boat is here, very happy!
05 December 2005, 11:51
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Originally Posted by Simon B
is this not what happens when good men lay idle....
if you put out a trough dont be surprised if pigs come to feed...
and finally apathy rules O....
Never was a truer word spoken on this forum. It is also said that we get both the Government and the Police force we most deserve. We are all responsible.
05 December 2005, 14:31
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Originally Posted by hard1
Never was a truer word spoken on this forum. It is also said that we get both the Government and the Police force we most deserve. We are all responsible.
The people who rule this country are the media - they are the ones who drum up public opinion - have you noticed the way they say "people are saying" or "people are asking" - yes only AFTER they have started spouting about it!!!
JK Rowling sums it up perfectly with Rita Skeeter in the HP books!!!
05 December 2005, 14:34
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Originally Posted by codprawn
JK Rowling sums it up perfectly with Rita Skeeter in the HP books!!!
Who is she Codders?
New boat is here, very happy!
05 December 2005, 14:49
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The people who rule this country are the media - they are the ones who drum up public opinion
"ere Codders- the media only give people what they want???
-They wanted page 3 girls half naked - they got them in The Sun via murdoch
that paper in its heyday was selling 5.000.000 copies DAILY
-They wanted scandall - they got it with the News of the World ( also selling above the 4 million mark
-They wanted "kiss and tell" they got it - and the biggest one was Diana!!!
Don't blame the media for public taste - or lack of it!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry on my hobby horse. I don't blame Murdoch (who I have met personally- and he coud'nt be further from his public image)-he is just a good business man who backs the right horse.
The one who is really going to intrigue me is Conrad Black... watch this space
05 December 2005, 19:02
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Originally Posted by codprawn
JK Rowling sums it up perfectly with Rita Skeeter in the HP books!!!
Sorry, not familiar with this..Could you perhaps quote it for me?
05 December 2005, 19:26
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Guys whilst I can show nothing but dismay for loss of life from wherever it originates and whichever way you look at it: if you want political, religeous, racial, peaceful or warmongering, with the greatest of respect to all of you; & by all means stand up and be counted..........
but you are in the wrong forum.........
05 December 2005, 20:05
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Originally Posted by eupa
The people who rule this country are the media - they are the ones who drum up public opinion
"ere Codders- the media only give people what they want???
-They wanted page 3 girls half naked - they got them in The Sun via murdoch
that paper in its heyday was selling 5.000.000 copies DAILY
-They wanted scandall - they got it with the News of the World ( also selling above the 4 million mark
-They wanted "kiss and tell" they got it - and the biggest one was Diana!!!
Don't blame the media for public taste - or lack of it!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry on my hobby horse. I don't blame Murdoch (who I have met personally- and he coud'nt be further from his public image)-he is just a good business man who backs the right horse.
The one who is really going to intrigue me is Conrad Black... watch this space
People only get what they want? That is my whole point - how do the media KNOW what people want? They don't!!! They make people THINK they know what they want!!!
For example in the early days of the internet the media blamed it for everything - "material downloaded off the internet" became their favourite saying - of course now everyone uses it they have had to find other things to attack.
Not long ago nobody had even heard the word "paedophile" then it was all the media ever went on about. so much so schools stopped parents taking photos of kids plays etc - funny how you don't hear much on that any more either now!!!
05 December 2005, 20:06
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Originally Posted by Steve Waters
Guys whilst I can show nothing but dismay for loss of life from wherever it originates and whichever way you look at it: if you want political, religeous, racial, peaceful or warmongering, with the greatest of respect to all of you; & by all means stand up and be counted..........
but you are in the wrong forum.........
I thought OTHER STUFF meant just that???
"Non-boating discussion, tech talk, jokes, gratuitous babble" is what it says!!!
05 December 2005, 20:44
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I thought OTHER STUFF meant just that???
"Non-boating discussion, tech talk, jokes, gratuitous babble" is what it says!!!
Sorry codprawn but if this kind of babble is the case then new as I am this may be the last time I post a thread or reply. whilst I appreciate the depth of concern I deal with this elsewhere(!) and I came here for RIB based chat; sorry
Steve Waters
05 December 2005, 21:16
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Originally Posted by Steve Waters
Sorry codprawn but if this kind of babble is the case then new as I am this may be the last time I post a thread or reply. whilst I appreciate the depth of concern I deal with this elsewhere(!) and I came here foir RIB based chat; sorry
Steve Waters
You don't HAVE to read "other stuff" do you? Many forums have a seperate section for OTHER STUFF as well.
It isn't often stuff like this is discussed anyway - try to read all the other sections before making up your mind!!!
05 December 2005, 22:02
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Originally Posted by Steve Waters
Sorry codprawn but if this kind of babble is the case then new as I am this may be the last time I post a thread or reply. whilst I appreciate the depth of concern I deal with this elsewhere(!) and I came here for RIB based chat; sorry
Steve Waters
Oooer. You came to the Babble Forum for a chat about WHAT?
06 December 2005, 08:16
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Originally Posted by Steve Waters
Guys whilst I can show nothing but dismay for loss of life from wherever it originates and whichever way you look at it: if you want political, religeous, racial, peaceful or warmongering, with the greatest of respect to all of you; & by all means stand up and be counted..........
but you are in the wrong forum.........
No I think you are !! or I suspect your in the wrong section of it click on ribs and ribbing I think youll find what your looking for there
I thought OTHER STUFF meant just that???
"Non-boating discussion, tech talk, jokes, gratuitous babble" is what it says
Well said Codders thats exactly what this section is for and I think ribnet forum should be applauded for having this section where members can discuss other subjects but then I dont think JK. is blinkerd or narrow minded but if this still offends you please post a list of subjucts we are allowed to talk about
06 December 2005, 10:32
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Originally Posted by Milan
but if this still offends you please post a list of subjucts we are allowed to talk about 
I think I may have a solution to this conundrum. I was sitting in my RIB the other day, drifting off Calshot (as you do) contemplating landing on the Brambles for a brisk walk, when I was struck by the complete redundancy of the Proportional Representation Voting system in Italy since WWII.
It's the poor wot gets the blame, I decided.
So then I fired up the trusty Opti and went home.
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