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Old 27 May 2016, 14:19   #1
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Win 10 forced upgrade

OOOkay. Beofe the shouts of "luuddite" start, i'll keep it simple and say I have been resiting change for a few reasons: 1) the age of some of my GPS software. 2) I had wanted to image the HD as I have heard LOTS of stories of older software not coming out to play..... and I need that for my trusty Garmin..... 3) hardware drivers..... - it's taken long enough to get a W7 driver formmy scanner...... 4) have you read the EULA????

So, as some of you may know, the "upgrade now" window has been "evolving" the point where last night I (as usual) hit the "x" top right to kill the popup and.... it started installing! (looks like it's been happening a lot)

So, I powered down (probably lost that evening's work in the process) and am fully expecting to find it trying to install again when I hit the "on" button.

Now, I could let it roll, image the HD by booting the imaging softwarwe from the DVD drive, foramt C, and re-install and do all the stuff I;ve printed off the various PC foerums BUT that will give me an image that will be at the mid update state so I;ll be no better off. I could go back to last month's image, kill off the auto updates (PITA) - but there is more to be lost if I do that.......

The Question-

Has anyone basically just clicked "No, I don't accept the EULA" - at the big blue install screen as at the moment it's the only way I think I can stop this "upgrade". Thing is - I am reading plenty online about the "back to W7" return option going t!ts up, so whata are the chances I'll click "no thanks" on the EULA screen and it just go "ok, I'll take you back to a fiully operational W7......?

And before you say, I am already looking into usuing Linux......
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Old 27 May 2016, 16:49   #2
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You could wait until Win10 finish installation. Next to there is one click "return back to Windows X". You can use this "return back" feature 1 month after WIN10 has been installed. How to Uninstall Windows 10 and Downgrade to Windows 7 or 8.1

You will not loose anything when wait until installation finish.
I had the same problem and was surprised when saw message "Windows 10 is installing" but after that I have checked some common program which I often use.
Had problems with PotPlayer and some other entertainment tools so went back to Win7.
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Old 27 May 2016, 16:59   #3
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I downloaded 10 on my old laptop it was that bad I bought another laptop 10 already installed I wouldn't go back now find it much better than 7
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Old 27 May 2016, 21:35   #4
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Matt. Thanks. FWIW I declined to accept the terms that basically said we can look at anything in your pc and after 15 mind or so of back installing W7 I am now putting in some active measures to stop it happening again.

Ribnet on the phone for the moment. ....
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Old 27 May 2016, 21:39   #5
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Jeff I'm sure it's better in many ways but if I can't run old software and MS are going to plunder their way through my personal data there's not a chance I'm going to let them in.

Yeah Google probably think they know me from this phone but apart from Ribnet there's nothing in here I wouldn't share down the pub.... The pc has passwords credit card details etc etc
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