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Old 14 April 2005, 13:59   #61
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Originally Posted by MadMat
The parameters for a controlled fusion reaction are so tight, there is absolutely no way that heavy isotope byproducts will be disposed of in the fusion reactor, unless you can find my a technical paper to the contrary. The only option is to keep storing the fission waste. I suppose you could launch it into space and fire it at the sun.

Plenty of other solutions already AND plenty of technical papers if you look!!!

France was exploding nuclear warheads in the pacific until 1988. The US conducted their last test in 1993 and the last air test was conducted by china in 1980. Appriximately 438 megatons of nuclear warheads have been exploded in the atmosphere. I spose you might consider 1980 china 3rd world, but have you forgotten that the ussr was a world superpower not long ago?

A superpower maybe but still THIRD WORLD!!!

People seem to forget that there are plenty of people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - coal has cost FAR more lives than nuclear and still does - don't hear of mass protests to close coal fired powerstations!!!

The chernobyl reactor was a flawed design, the remaining reactors in chernobyl were shut down in 2000 and remaining RBMK (The chernobyl design) reactors have all been modified. Germany and Sweden are slowly phasing out their existing fission reactors, but they are still running and producing power at this time.
Sweden and Germany both said they would get rid of ALL nuclear power after Chernobyl - they seem to have gone back on their word - seen sense at least!!! Of course by not investing in more as their energy needs have gone up they would rather use gas off the russians and that disgusting German brown coal - the dirtiest fuel source ever!!!
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Old 15 April 2005, 11:53   #62
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Just thought I'd keep this one going awhile.... hands up who know what percentage of product from say ...Fawley... is actually used for road/vehicle fuel and what percentage is used for the further manufacturing of that other scourge of our times..plastic?
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Old 15 April 2005, 12:00   #63
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jono
Just thought I'd keep this one going awhile.... hands up who know what percentage of product from say ...Fawley... is actually used for road/vehicle fuel and what percentage is used for the further manufacturing of that other scourge of our times..plastic?
No, go on tell us and while we are doing a bit of brain teasing, what is the collective noun for kittens Des
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