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Old 26 October 2005, 07:44   #1
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Yet again, another vote for madness.



Born to stuff!!
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Old 26 October 2005, 09:11   #2
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Old 26 October 2005, 10:07   #3
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You can ski on the Broads which are much more environmentally sensative than a huge lake this this!
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Old 26 October 2005, 11:27   #4
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Yet another example of this government destroying our freedom!!!

The anti terror laws are another example - stop and search has gone from 2 or 3 people in some areas last year to 3,000 this year - give someone a new law/power and they WILL abuse it!!!
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Old 26 October 2005, 12:11   #5
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Interesting article on the miss use of existing stop and search anti-terrorism law!


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Old 26 October 2005, 13:02   #6
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Originally Posted by Shaggy
Interesting article on the miss use of existing stop and search anti-terrorism law!


Those figures are disgusting!!!

Still if you aren't doing anything wrong why should you mind being stopped and searched????

Bit like the old man at the Labour conference - how dare he speak out loud??? How dare he want freedom of speach??? Bit ironic that he was a Jew who survived the camps!!!

On a similar note the 2 coppers who have been totally cleared for shooting the man with the chair leg. What was their defence? They were doing their duty!!! Funnily enough I was reading the other day about the liberation of Belsen - that is EXACTLY what the German guards said - we were only doing our duty!!!

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Old 26 October 2005, 13:52   #7
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Originally Posted by codprawn
On a similar note the 2 coppers who have been totally cleared for shooting the man with the chair leg. What was their defence? They were doing their duty!!! Funnily enough I was reading the other day about the liberation of Belsen - that is EXACTLY what the German guards said - we were only doing our duty!!!

Interesting comparison you make there.
Two police officers made a poor decision based on the information made available to them “Irishman carrying a sawn off shotgun in a plastic bag” and camp guards, some of whom actually enjoyed torturing and killing countless human beings… Codders you really do open yer trap before thinking don’t you?
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Old 26 October 2005, 14:10   #8
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Originally Posted by Jono
Interesting comparison you make there.
Two police officers made a poor decision based on the information made available to them “Irishman carrying a sawn off shotgun in a plastic bag” and camp guards, some of whom actually enjoyed torturing and killing countless human beings… Codders you really do open yer trap before thinking don’t you?
I see so if a member of the public phones in with something it MUST be true???

At the end of the day those two policemen KILLED an innocent man - it was THEY who pulled the triggers - THEY were to blame!!! Not a lack of training or anything else!!!

Obviously I don't think they intended to kill an innocent man - they made a mistake - an accident - there IS a term used for that - it's called manslaughter!!!

Similar case with that so called terrorist killed on the tube - the bloke running away with the bulk jacket who must have been a suicide bomber!!!

Isn't it strange that since they have banned handguns there are more and more Police carrying firearms?

Since 1982 there have been 4 Police officers killed by guns in the UK - do those figures REALLY warrent more and more of them carrying guns???
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Old 26 October 2005, 14:16   #9
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I see so if a member of the public phones in with something it MUST be true???

At the end of the day those two policemen KILLED an innocent man - it was THEY who pulled the triggers - THEY were to blame!!! Not a lack of training or anything else!!!

Obviously I don't think they intended to kill an innocent man - they made a mistake - an accident - there IS a term used for that - it's called manslaughter!!!

Similar case with that so called terrorist killed on the tube - the bloke running away with the bulk jacket who must have been a suicide bomber!!!

Isn't it strange that since they have banned handguns there are more and more Police carrying firearms?

Since 1982 there have been 4 Police officers killed by guns in the UK - do those figures REALLY warrent more and more of them carrying guns???
Stop raving for a moment and THINK.. you are comparing that to the systematic torture and extermination of millions of people... I made no comment on the rights and wrongs of arming our Police nor the guilt or innocence of the two officers involved, just your ludicrous reference to genocide...
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Old 26 October 2005, 14:21   #10
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Codders have to say I agree with Jono's first post, have a look at this-

"A senior officer close to the case said: "The man who gave a statement said Mr Stanley had set out to get himself shot. He seemed a credible witness but it was not possible to corroborate his evidence, not least because Mr Stanley is, of course, dead."

"Mr Stanley, who had convictions for armed robbery, grievous bodily harm and possession of drugs, was shot in Hackney, east London.

A man at the pub he had just left had telephoned the police stating that a man with an Irish accent had been in the bar with a sawn-off shotgun.

Mr Stanley, who was actually Scottish, was hit by two bullets fired by Metropolitan Police marksmen. The officers later said that they fired their guns after Mr Stanley, who was twice over the drink-driving limit, ignored a warning and swung round at them pointing the table leg in a manner that made it appear to be a gun."
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Old 26 October 2005, 18:53   #11
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I would like to offer the following:

having been out of the Uk for the last 40 years - I feel the necessity to offer
the following obsrvations.
Codders, nobody is trampling on your rights. If you really believe that you are hard done by in the UK -try another country. You must understand that we are living in very, very dangereous times and it involves security at all levels.
There are people out there who will stop at nothing to destroy society as we know it. The authorities, are taking a tough stand and it involves trampling on peoples so called rights. Invarably there are going to be errors of judgement, mis-carriages of justice, ect.- but it is un-advoidable. The UK has been TOO LAX and is now paying the price. I personally favour the attitude taken by the French or in my case the Belgian police- HIT FIRST AND ASK afterwards!!!

Do you remember that man who came back waving a bit of paper in the air-in 1938?- because of appeasement/ do gooders/ liberals/pipe-smoking
interlecturals -over 30.000.000 people died. I wonder who you supported then? More recently look at Bosnia- you sent in UN troops who were not allowed to use their arms- what happened - massacres. Look at Burundi- UN troops not allowed to interfere - 600.000 people brutally killed. So arm your police - but please tell them - 'dont use it' - because you may hurt somebody

COME OFF IT. and I class myself as a liberal!!!!!!!!!!! ( not the Kennedy types)

sincerely Jonathan
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Old 26 October 2005, 19:18   #12
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what is the advantage of introducing a speed limit on a perfectly good lake?
Surly it just decreases the tourism?
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Old 26 October 2005, 19:33   #13
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It does. But some cool politionsa think its' a good idea to reduce pollution and noise or something. Never mind there is less wash with a planning craft going at 20 knotts than 10!
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Old 26 October 2005, 19:36   #14
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Perahps, the athorities have detemined that people dashing around at 30+ mph endanger the security of other users??. If people want to do that .. well the sea is wide open and you can do what you like. I mean if poor Codders was snorkling around looking for the Loch Ness monster, surfaced and got hit by a water-skier at 100 mph. he would'nt be too happy!!!!!!!

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Old 26 October 2005, 19:41   #15
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We've had this argument on ribnet before but......

surly if you had times when people could ski and codders couldnt snorkle or whatever there wouldn't be a problem. Windamere (sorry for spelling - student) is a fair treck with a boat from the sea. There are ways of wokring around it whcih really could work; it's worked on the broads therefore IT CAN work here. (In my opioion....)
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Old 26 October 2005, 19:53   #16
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surly if you had times when people could ski and codders couldnt snorkle or whatever there wouldn't be a problem

There you go Tim- got yourself a job!!!!!!!!! chief controller Lake activities!!!

Being serious for a change - met some intriguing people at Nieuwport last week- whilst trying to straighten out my back after falling 3 to 4 meters with the rib- a man and wife who have a Discovery 3 and offer thier services to the rich and wealthy by towing their yachts/ boats home for them. You dont need a discovery - you could use a better vehicle ( my Kia Sorento for example!!)- you charge them -going/coming/ waiting /demeuurage/ ect...
You could do it afer your studies...

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Old 26 October 2005, 20:09   #17
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Originally Posted by eupa
I would like to offer the following:

having been out of the Uk for the last 40 years - I feel the necessity to offer
the following obsrvations.
Codders, nobody is trampling on your rights. If you really believe that you are hard done by in the UK -try another country. You must understand that we are living in very, very dangereous times and it involves security at all levels.
There are people out there who will stop at nothing to destroy society as we know it. The authorities, are taking a tough stand and it involves trampling on peoples so called rights. Invarably there are going to be errors of judgement, mis-carriages of justice, ect.- but it is un-advoidable. The UK has been TOO LAX and is now paying the price. I personally favour the attitude taken by the French or in my case the Belgian police- HIT FIRST AND ASK afterwards!!!

Do you remember that man who came back waving a bit of paper in the air-in 1938?- because of appeasement/ do gooders/ liberals/pipe-smoking
interlecturals -over 30.000.000 people died. I wonder who you supported then? More recently look at Bosnia- you sent in UN troops who were not allowed to use their arms- what happened - massacres. Look at Burundi- UN troops not allowed to interfere - 600.000 people brutally killed. So arm your police - but please tell them - 'dont use it' - because you may hurt somebody

COME OFF IT. and I class myself as a liberal!!!!!!!!!!! ( not the Kennedy types)

sincerely Jonathan

Been out of the UK for 40 years just about sums it up.....

People have DIED to give us our freedom - lots of them!!! And yet day by day we see those freedoms being reduced which is EXACTLY what the terrorists want!!!

As to us living in "very very dangerous times" we weren't until Mr Blair decided to lick Mr Bush's bottom!!! They are doing nothing other than conning the public into believeing it is so!!!

The IRA were probably the most professional terrorist organisation the world has ever seen. They actually attacked downing Street and at the time Mr Blair voted AGAINST new terror laws.

With the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the USSR and the reduction of hostilities with the IRA the security services were laying off staff all over the place - very convienient that all of a sudden there should be this new terror problem!!!
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Old 26 October 2005, 22:19   #18
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I drive a German car, own a German washing machine, have a Japanese 4x4 plus several excellent Japanese outboard motors. Japanese stereo,TV and computer. German drill, sander and router in my toolshed. German touring motorcycle and Japanese motocrosser.

Sorry to sound contentious but apart from not speaking German / Japanese as a first language what else might occupation have achieved that we don't already enjoy? God alone knows but if we'd been REALLY successful after the last war we'd all be driving around in Morris Marinas with Russian stereos in our council flats.

So what if our boys in blue (or all black urban camo SWAT style outfits) whack the odd Paddy carrying a chairleg or Brazilian wearing a Puffa jacket - in the absence of a constitution that guarantees us human rights at least it keeps the heat off us locals!

As for waterskiers - anyone who enjoys a 25 knot enema in the name of fun deserves all they get...
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Old 26 October 2005, 22:28   #19
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Originally Posted by eupa
I would like to offer the following:
Do you remember that man who came back waving a bit of paper in the air-in 1938?- because of appeasement/ do gooders/ liberals/pipe-smoking interlecturals -over 30.000.000 people died.
sincerely Jonathan
By the way - remind me of the heroic Belgian and French stand in 1939... or was it less of a stand and more of a lie down and take it?

Try the following - type "french military victories" into Google and hit I'm Feeling Lucky!
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Old 26 October 2005, 22:40   #20
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I just wet myself...
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