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Old 28 July 2003, 22:27   #1
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Spirit of Cardiff
Make: Ribtec
Length: 10m +
Engine: Yamaha 240hp diesel
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 20
07 - Good progress

Monday 28th July

The first 250 miles have been fairly hard overall. They're not big seas, but there's enough of a chop to make it decidedly uncomfortable when the boat comes off the top of a wave and has a hard landing. My arms and shoulders already have an interesting selection of bruises, and my back has a few aches and pains, too.

Since leaving St John's yesterday afternoon, we haven't even stopped for a brew-up or to make something to eat, so we've been existing on snacks and bottled water (kindly supplied by Dominion in St John's). The reason is simply that we have to outrun the really bad weather, and so far, not only are we succeeding at that, we've managed to put ourselves four hours ahead of schedule.

Apart from the bumps and bruises, everyone seems to be adjusting well to life on board. We've seen plenty of puffins wheeling around the boat, some distant whales, and a school of dolphins crossing right in front of us. It's just a shame the weather is so gloomy, and the sun is somewhere else. Still, it could be much, much worse.

Jan and I get the only real excitement during the night watches. It's about 0220 Newfoundland time when I get a contact on the radar. We already know that while the pack ice has gone completely, we may encounter a few drifting icebergs out there, and we're fast approaching the area where we've been warned to keep our eyes peeled. As icebergs go, this one proves to have a tidy turn of speed, and although the ship passes us at under two miles, I have to struggle to see her lights through the veil of fog hanging over us.

As I write, we're about halfway across the Davis Strait, and if we maintain this level of progress, we'll be arriving in Nanortalik around lunchtime tomorrow. So today we'll probably set our clocks to Greenland time. It's only half an hour different from Newfoundland, so adjusting ourselves to it shouldn't be too bad.

Clive Tully

© 2003 Clive Tully
Update transmitted by Stratos Iridium satellite phone.

Alan checks our whereabouts on his up-to-date mini atlas:
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Old 29 July 2003, 02:47   #2
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111
Not so smooth sailing

Sounds like the sailing is not so smooth but the time you are making is great. Keep up the good work! Once you have finished your adventure, Dad will have to cook you a prime rib dinner to make up for the sparse food on the boat. He is a great cook and that meal is the one I request whenever he comes to visit us!
Deana Angell is offline  
Old 29 July 2003, 13:38   #3
Country: UK
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1
Our thoughta are with all of you Alan!

Simon Henry Joanna George
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Old 29 July 2003, 13:53   #4
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
Length: 10m +
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 1,711
We're all with you guys -

Loose my bonds - set me free -
Let me rise from my bed
Let me go to the sea!
O! The sound of the sea.

Fair seas..........
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