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Old 01 August 2003, 16:46   #1
Country: UK - England
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11 - Mid-Atlantic pain

Friday 1st August

The last few hours have been painful beyond belief. From yesterday's following sea, the wind turned so we were heading into it. Not so much massive waves as big holes in between, where coming off the top too quickly would result in a sickeningly hard landing, and groans from everyone on board. Alan and I are feeling it in particular - reviving all the old injuries from months of battering from last year's voyage around the world.

It's amazing to think that in over 1,000 miles at sea from St John's, we've seen just one ship. This really is the empty quarter. Last night, when Jan and I did the 10 till 2 watch, a thin veil of mist lay over the sea. But through it, to the north, we could see the glow of the Northern Lights, and they stayed with us for more than an hour before disappearing. It would have been nice to see them in their full glory, curtains of colour swirling across the sky, but we still have more chances if the sky clears - tonight, perhaps.

It's always difficult trying to make predictions when the weather isn't playing ball, but at the moment, we look set to arrive at the island of Heimaey on Saturday, and Cape Wrath late Sunday. But who knows? Bertie tells us the Vestmannaeyjar (Westmann Islands) are the windiest islands in the world, but he's promised us they won't be when we arrive there.

It's been fascinating too, to hear the news of our fellow transatlantic ribster and his successful departure from Halifax. According to his satphone update, "3,500 nautical miles remain between us and our families", which seems interesting given that the detailed route information faxed out to all his refuelling stops (a copy of which I was given in Nanortalik) only adds up to 2,677 nautical miles. Still, what's 823 miles between record-breakers (other than 48 hours at 17 knots)?

Clive Tully

© 2003 Clive Tully
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Old 01 August 2003, 21:54   #2
Country: UK - England
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Clive's last comment about the inaccuracies of Bear Grylls' comments is somewhat understated.

I would urge everybody who follows the Jolly Sailor to read the piece in today's on-line Telegraph ( and write to the Telegraph to set the record straight.

Bear Grylls claims he is trying to come home with a record. Apparently, there won't be a record because the UIM won't recognise anything other than the Spirit of Cardiff crossing in summer 2001.

He still claims Alan Priddy & Co had to be 'rescued' by an icebreaker in 1997. They didn't. And nobody had hypothermia, either.

He also claims to be crossing the Atlantic Arctic Ocean, wherever that may be.

As a journalist, I consider this report to be badly informed and sloppy. This may be the writer's fault, rather than Bear's, but I have written to the Telegraph to point out where it is wrong. Clive sent them a long letter today, too.

If enough people try to correct the constant inaccuracies in the media coverage of the two transatlantic attempts by writing letters and sending emails, the Jolly Sailor, which doesn't have the massive resources of the Bear Grylls attempt, may start to get the coverage it deserves.

You have to register to read the report but it doesn't cost anything. I think they're planning to do one every day.
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Old 02 August 2003, 01:03   #3
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Re: 11 - Mid-Atlantic pain

Originally posted by Clive Tully
3,500 nautical miles remain between us and our families
I guess that's the distance to home rather than to John O'Groats . . .

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Old 02 August 2003, 04:24   #4
Country: Canada
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Thank-you Sue for posting about the article. I read it and took your advice to contact them. With any luck they will print a correction but I won't hold my breath.
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