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Old 14 August 2003, 19:09   #1
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Spirit of Cardiff
Make: Ribtec
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Posts: 20
17 - End of an era

Tuesday 11th August

Saturday 9th August will remain with me for the rest of my days. You can’t imagine what a fantastic thrill it is to be escorted into harbour by so many boats, horns blaring, then the six-gun salute and being greeted by hundreds - yes, hundreds - of people on the quayside. It was enough to bring a tear to the eye of any hardened mariner or cynical journalist. And that was the point when I hugged Alan and thanked him for the biggest roller-coaster ride of my life - all four years of it.

There certainly couldn’t be a more dramatic end to it than having the Portsmouth Field Gun Crew manhandling the boat attached to a limber in incredible heat for just over a mile along the sea front to the Jolly Sailor pub in Southsea, arriving to the loud and stirring sounds of "Hearts of Oak". Not quite the Relief of Ladysmith, but believe me, it was tingles up the spine stuff, and there were well-deserved pints all round when it was over.

It was fitting, too, that it should end here. It all started in Portsmouth in 1999 with the boat’s naming ceremony, followed by the first world record attempt at the British Isles circumnavigation in July. It’s been an unbelievable four years - the move to Cardiff, and then the first world records. Hard too, to imagine that I, someone with virtually no boating experience, should end up in the crew of what will probably go down in history as the most successful offshore powerboat ever. If you haven’t already read it (he said, going into commercial plug mode), the story up to last year’s dramatic events is told in "Confronting Poseidon", available from

To all those who have supported us, both corporate and private, you have our humble thanks. We couldn’t have done it without you, and although in the end the whole project went through on a shoestring, along with a great deal of personal financial adversity on our parts, everyone’s contribution was greatly appreciated and well-spent.

I’m reminded of a quote from each of the Kennedy brothers. For those companies in Cardiff who promised to support us after enticing us there, and then who cut us adrift, perhaps John F. Kennedy’s "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names" might be appropriate. And as far as the whole enterprise was concerned, how about Robert Kennedy’s "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"? We dared, and we certainly achieved.

So what now? Well, even though it’s already over a week since finishing the tough bit, there are still a few aches and pains, and I occasionally get the odd wobbly moment catch me out when I least expect it. There’s a lot of following up to do - including writing a few magazine features, TV documentary, etc. Then after that, I guess it’s back to normal.

Whatever that is . . .

Clive Tully

© 2003 Clive Tully
Update transmitted by Stratos Iridium satellite phone.

The Portsmouth Field Gun Crew tow the Jolly Sailor away from the Camber, heading for Southsea:
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Old 14 August 2003, 19:39   #2
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111
Thanks Clive!

Thank-you Clive for all of your updates and insight. It was great to follow you throught this latest journey. I'm very proud that Dad was a part of this trip - even though it was nerve wracking for me. I can only imagine the bond that is created when a crew is faced with such adversity and danger. I am sure it is one Dad will treasure for the rest of his days.
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Old 15 August 2003, 08:12   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
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End of an Era

Hi Clive,

Time passes so quickly, I am glad you and the team will have lots of happy memories from that day. I know I certainly have.

Deana, I trust Eg enjoyed his other surprise, when he arrived back home.

I am compiling a collection of photo's for you from the whole day. Once i have selected all the best ones I will put these onto a CD and send them to you.

If you send me an "E" mail to this address:-

I will liase with you direct.

Very Best wishes
Aging Youth
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Old 15 August 2003, 14:30   #4
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111
Thanks Kevin. I have emailed you directly with the particulars. From the photo gallery it looks like you were ready to enjoy the day too! You must have been a Boy Scout - Always Be Prepared!
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Old 15 August 2003, 15:53   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth
Boat name: Sting
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Length: 6m +
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Well done lads, a fantastic effort. Saturday was a great day and I was proud to watch you make it home.


Alan, I have already bought the book ... are you going to republish with the last chapter!
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Old 15 August 2003, 16:27   #6
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111
Hi Andy. You have quite a selection of pictures. I especially enjoyed the one of Dad with a bottle in each hand as he was talking to someone. It's a good thing he only has 2 hands!!!
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Old 15 August 2003, 17:25   #7
Country: Canada
Town: St Johns
Boat name: Jolly Sailor
Make: Offshore Expeditions Ribtec
Length: 10m
Engine: Yamaha 240hp diesel
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 7
"The Old Bull"

Cant say thank you enough to all who have followed us on our epic voyage across the North Atlantic.To my daughter Deana who I'm sure was glued to the site, thanks for all your support and encouragement--I'm proud to have such a daughter as you. To Clive ,Jan and "The Old Bull"--WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a world class crew and am honoured to have been with you .
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Old 15 August 2003, 20:48   #8
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Martins
Boat name: MATRIX
Make: Jeanneau Leader 805
Length: 8.05
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Posts: 248
Eg, nice to see you again glad you enjoyed your surprise and you both made it home safe and sound.

Stay in touch.

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Old 15 August 2003, 21:41   #9
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
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Posts: 111
Who was the undercover agent who picked up Roma and delivered her to the wharf?
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Old 16 August 2003, 10:44   #10
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
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Undercover Agent

Hi Deana,

The agent in question was Camilla's Sister with a little help from others
Aging Youth
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Old 16 August 2003, 16:41   #11
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111

Thanks, Kevin.

Does anyone know the websites or links for the various media outlets in the U.K.? I'd like to check them daily for stories pertaining to "our" crew. I know the one for the BBC - I can only imaging how many acronyms there are for that - but I don't know where else to check. Thanks in advance!
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Old 18 August 2003, 18:37   #12
Country: UK - Wales
Town: In my bed in Cardiff
Make: Still dreaming
Length: Definately dreaming
Engine: Dream size
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 328
Great news guys - the boat has come home.

All my SOC / Jolly Sailor stuff is in one big box - which I will put into an album and treasure always for all sorts of personal reasons.

Still want to borrow your media file AP - we will sort something out if you don't fancy putting foot into Wales! - or are not allowed to!!!

Well done to all, and I hope you had a great birthday Steve - you all 50 now!!

Best wishes across the miles, and there will always be smiles and miles, but not worlds between us.
Rib groupie & Waterbabe

"Just add water / liquid to have fun"

Counting the days of the ~SOC~ trip.
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