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Old 10 July 2003, 17:28   #41
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Martins
Boat name: MATRIX
Make: Jeanneau Leader 805
Length: 8.05
Engine: Volvo KAD 43 Diesel
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 248
Can he include the C I aswell please.
DepSol is offline  
Old 10 July 2003, 18:20   #42
Country: Canada
Town: Devon, Alberta
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 111
Good luck charm

Hello Mr. Priddy and all. I'm hoping my Dad, Eg Walters, will prove to be your good luck charm. Best of luck to all for a SAFE return. I'll be watching the updates adn keping my fingers crossed that everything goes well. I wish I could be there at the finish to greet the crew but family committments (and outrageous airfares) prevent me from doing so. I'll be there in Spirit!
Deana Angell is offline  
Old 20 July 2003, 11:56   #43
Country: Canada
Town: St Johns
Boat name: Jolly Sailor
Make: Offshore Expeditions Ribtec
Length: 10m
Engine: Yamaha 240hp diesel
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 7
Hi everyone.
Just thought I would introduce myself and give you an update on how the preperations on the boat are coming.
I cannot belive that it is only two days since Alan arrived. He has had me working on the boat from dawn to dusk, we abolished slavery years ago but no one has told Alan.
We have rebuilt the front end of the cabin and reduced the size of the windows, scraped her polished her and cleaned out the inside.
While this has been going on Alan has removed the engine and drive, polished the bilges and fitted new bilge pumps to prevent what happened last year, fitted the new super dooper Raymaine radar system that will allow us the better chance of finding the icebergs and gone over her in fine detail.
Tomorrow we will fit the motor back in and sea trials will start on Tuesday.
Over and above this, I have been arranging all the accomadation for the film crew that are arriving tomorrow evening and helping to organise a family wedding that takes place on Friday!
Give me the Atlantic for a rest.

More tomorrow. Eg Walters
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Old 20 July 2003, 18:43   #44
Country: UK - Channel Islands
Town: St Martins
Boat name: MATRIX
Make: Jeanneau Leader 805
Length: 8.05
Engine: Volvo KAD 43 Diesel
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 248
Hey Eg thats fantastic. I thought you two sounded knackered when I called the other day.

I will leave this message short otherwise you wont have time in your two minute break that Alan allows you to have to read a long message

How about getting your digital camera to upload some pics?

All the best.

DepSol is offline  

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