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Old 15 August 2003, 23:22   #21
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That's a reckless promise, Matt - have you seen how much those guys can drink?!?
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Old 15 August 2003, 23:27   #22
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Not if I add something to it they won't, where's that bottle of Absynthe....
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Old 15 August 2003, 23:28   #23
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That's not how you spell Soltron!
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Old 15 August 2003, 23:31   #24
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Hehe. Nah actually I've got an interview for a bar job in a hotel near Aberystwyth on tuesday, so I can sneakily give 'em free beer
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Old 15 August 2003, 23:36   #25
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You'll have all the North-West RIBsters in there after the free beer as well!

You'd better start out now if you've got to get to Aberystwyth by Tuesday!
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Old 15 August 2003, 23:38   #26
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Nah I'm charging that lot double, make up for the profits lost providing drink to the Jolly Sailors.

Aye, it'll take a while to get down there on the ol' mountain bike won't it? Good job I'm getting a lift then!
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Old 16 August 2003, 12:35   #27
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Nige update--Aug 15th

This guy has either been at sea too long or their communications have been out for a couple of weeks.His comments claim that they were the "FIRST" to cross unassisted--someone should tell him that "Team Priddy" was off Cape Wrath on Aug 3rd some 12 days before. Oh well , maybe he ment the first to cross unassisted in an open boat--still wrong --Alan did it in 1997--but then again " Never let the truth get in the way of a good story"
Whatever--Bear and his guys are still all Heros in taking on the "North Atlantic .I take my hat off to them all.

Eg Walters
Jolly Sailor
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Old 16 August 2003, 12:37   #28
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You're all heroes... you wouldn't catch me doing what you've just done!
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Old 16 August 2003, 14:00   #29
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This is such a shame. For Bear and his team to claim this as a first means that all five of them have no regard for anything that anyone has done before. They may have succeded in conviencing the press and sponsors of what they feel is a first but in reality the only people they are fooling are themselves. Deep down inside the entire crew know that they have failed to achieve what they set out to do.

They are neither the first or the quickest.

Knowing that they would come back with nothing but bullshit is something that we have prepared for.

What they should be doing is basking in the glory of a safe passage home.

Their lies and deciept will come back to haunt them in the very near future. Everyone in the world knows that they are not the first and it is a shame that even our own Royal Navy have been conned by the "Bear Spin"

If you want to help rectify this carrage of injustice write into the News, BBC, Times, Telegraph and any other publication that you see the story in.

The more lies he tells the stronger we become in establishing the truth

Alan P
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Old 16 August 2003, 23:22   #30
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any way I can stake my claim?

Before Bear/Bull decides to go round Britian and have a Yank on board and claim another "first"?...Contragulations Jolly Sailor and crew!
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Old 17 August 2003, 08:34   #31
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up the creek with no paddles

When the man with experience meets the man with money often the situation becomes reversed. In to-day's world the victoms of false statements are well rewarded by the courts. The presant controversy may well be 'the calm before the storm'.
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Old 17 August 2003, 17:28   #32
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I have yet to hear from BBC in an email or on their site with a correction to their fairytale, I mean story, so I emailed them again today. Has anyone else been notified of a correction? I've been checking the BBC UK news website daily.
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Old 17 August 2003, 17:38   #33
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Only reply I've been sent was the automated "This is what we do with your email" reply. No sign of correction of the article either.
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Old 17 August 2003, 17:44   #34
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Hi Narked. Yes, I have only received the generic "if your email pertains to ___ it will be sent to ___ etc..." Do you know any other sites I can check for stories pertaining to the trip?
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Old 18 August 2003, 00:56   #35
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BBC have their hands full with the Dr. Kelly matter--they are probably focused on damage control for that--or else its another case of the "old boys network" doing spin control for "Teddy"
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Old 18 August 2003, 10:52   #36
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True or lies

I know from my own experience how it is with claiming records. In 2001 Sydney to Hobart I'd been a crew on maxi80 "Lodka Bols" (ex 'Maxima"). We had been 2'nd in our IRC class, but it was not enough for the boat owner (Bols) and for skipper (from UK). What happened, they claim, that we had been the first in IRC class becouse the boats had been later divided for Division A (big boats) and Division B (smaller boats). That is ture. In IRC overall we had been beaten, after corrected time, by much smaller boat. BUT in press and radio and tv back in Poland everybody knows, that "Lodka Bols" HAD BEEN THE FIRST!!! .
Similar thing is happening with Bear. He NEEDS the success, becouse of sponsors! No matter of costs... He HAVE TO BE FIRST, even if it is only in press...
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Old 18 August 2003, 11:16   #37
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It is an enormous achievement for anyone to cross the North Atlantic in a Rib, and it is therefore a great shame that the Grylls team's hype and spin detracts from that achievement.

I imagine that the spin and hype is an essential part of any Grylls exploit because the prime purpose of those exploits is to provide him with a living. The Everest story is six years old and must be getting a bit stale by now.

I have suggested to the Telegraph that the following may be a more accurate headline :

'Son of disgraced former Tory MP who has become the youngest person to cross the North Atlantic in an open boat, follows family tradition by knowingly making false claims and misleading the Press'
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Old 18 August 2003, 11:33   #38
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You have to check if Irishman in 1986 wasn't younger than Bear!!!
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Old 18 August 2003, 12:14   #39
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just like the Press - I haven't checked!
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Old 18 August 2003, 12:47   #40
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Sorry! ;)

English isn't my mother language. Thx for correction
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