Originally Posted by ALANT
Just found out an operator not far from me (who I think shouldn't even have a licence) has as I predicted had an accident. What is the protocall for this incident? should it be reported? boat load of divers run aground in his own area and ripped leg off of outboard. Oh passage plan, charts oh he must have forgot!!!!!
Does the incident have to be reported?
BSAC may also be interested in colating this incident, they have a database of incidents reviewed annually at their Diving Officers Conference. If the incident is reported to MCA, MAIB etc it usually though not always finds it way to them as well. The divers in questions may also have reported the operator.
I'm a bit concerned about growing diver/comercial operator incidents there seems to be an increasing trend, could just be me getting to hear of more than previous though! Love statistics - apparently I dont have the average number of legs! having 2 is above average.