Thanks to all who have offered valuable contributions. I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge to assist.
I apologise to the mods if I caused a flurry of activity for your marker pens but I think there were some genuine responses to an unusual request. Some of these respondents could potentially see Ribnet as a viable source of future business, if you give them a hug
Andrew/Vectis. Your site looks very interesting. I want to see if there is an existing hull out there that will do the job prior to commissioning a design concept and new mould scenario. I'm eager to avoid as much budget pain as possible but thanks.
I am familiar with the Naiads and there is one operating very close to me. I have spoken to Woody Marine in the past but Stephen Plummer's name doesn't ring a bell.....Kirby Marine have a licence to build Naiads down in Henderson, WA. To me there's something that's not aesthetically pleasing about the look and I want a glass hull over aluminium so for me it doesn't work.
Oh and somebody might have jogged a response from one of the rugged boatbuilders...
So again, many thanks all.