29 May 2012, 02:54
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RYA certificates
I have not long joined this forum, and have learnt a hell of a lot!
I recently approached the RYA, and am firmly of the opinion that they are just out for money.
I hold STCW Master licence, unlimited, and worldwide, with Tanker, and Gas tanker endorsements, along with all the other gumpf we need PSSC, Medical care, Advanced firefighting, etc etc. I have been Master of Supertankers, and gas carriers for 8 years. I also hold an STCW fast rescue boat certificate (MCA issued 4 day course)
I recently asked the RYA if they could grant me any certicificates on the strength of my MCA and STCW certificates, and they responded that they could not, as they were unsure of the quality of the training I had received, and would not be able to know what sylabus the courses followed! What a load of bull.
They are all MCA courses, to the sylabus determined by the Powers that be, and STCW, and IMO. The only one that they would offer was the international certificate of competency, and a fee of course.
RYA are suggesting that the RYA Ocean Yachtmaster certificate is equivalent to an MCA Masters worldwide <200GT certificate, so if it is, why not grant me one? I asked if i could do the exam, and they told me I had to do the Offshore course, etc etc. As I said just a moneymaking excercise!
I would stick with the MCA courses, they are not particularly cheap, but good employers will always help you upgrade, and renew, and in my case will pay for all the courses required.
Rant Over
29 May 2012, 09:34
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I have to say I am very impressed with the way the site functions in these cases. A really useful source of information and AnchorHandlers generous offer to Martini is great!
29 May 2012, 11:17
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Originally Posted by tonto
I asked if i could do the exam, and they told me I had to do the Offshore course, etc etc.
As you have all the experience and qualifications you've listed, of course you can just do the exam, if it's an RYA Qualification you want. You would have to take the Yachtmaster Offshore (Practical) exam afloat, and could add the Yachtmaster Ocean (oral) exam on the next day, which could be with the same or a different examiner.
Having looked at your post, I'm unclear as to why you would want an RYA/MCA Certificate of Competence, as you have higher certificates, unless it is to then gain RYA Instructor awards?
If that's the case, then it's pretty reasonable to expect you to gain some RYA qualifications through 'standard' routes, as if you're going to be teaching it, an understanding of their schemes and how they differ, is pretty essential, even if it's just being aware of how to adapt and lower content for a leisure boater or small craft professional, rather than MCA master.
If you are looking to gain some RYA certificates, be they skippering qualifications, or instructor awards, then we'd be more than happy to talk through where any crossover might be (for instance, an STCW GOC trumps a Short Range Certificate, STCW Personal Survival Techniques replaces any need to do the RYA Sea Survival course etc etc) and give you the quickest (and cheapest!) route to what you want.
29 May 2012, 14:48
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At least you won't have to sit the new conmercial part of the YM!
Welcome to the RYA cash cow.
07 June 2012, 15:22
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Anchorhandler
Hi Grahame
Yes, Still running the tugs.
I think the advise I gave to Martini is pretty much what you need to be aiming for as a minimum to gain entry in the commercial sector.
You have to understand that nowadays, for a company to win a contract it has to prove that its employees are both competent and safety conscious in the job they will be performing.
Major contract givers like the oil industry, offshore or even windfarm work companies cannot afford to have LTI's (Lost Time Icidents) on their hands. An LTI is time that an employees 'loses' due to having an accident himself or causes someone else to have. This looks bad on their statistics which in turn males them sem like irresponsible employers. (not to mention any possible sick pay or compensation payout etc...which no employer wants) LTI's may also cause all or part of the company's operation to shut-down which obviously costs money.
What im getting at is that the standards are continually increasing for both the companies that employ and the employees who seek to work with them.
You may be able to find work as a trainee with only basic qualifications but most employers will require STCW courses and some kind of commercial endorsment on an RYA ticket.
Martini recently spent 10 days makey-learny with us getting the hang of damaging driving the tugs.....
Im sure he will give you some advice if you PM him.
Right, Off to pump the bilges of my Inbox as it seems to be overflowing
Hi Simon, sorry to be another person adding to your answer but it seems you are a man in the know.
I have been Med based for 10 years before returning to southampon last year. I'm looking to find employment. 10 years exp. MCA approved IYT Master 200 Coomercially endorsed. VHF cert, Stcw 95, first aid, psr, firefighting,sea survival.
Can you help??? :-)
07 June 2012, 19:06
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Hi James
PM sent to you.
I'm aware i have missed out a few of you inquireing about entry into the commercial sector and i do appologize for this. Recent work commitments both in the UK and abroad have unfortunately restricted my time spent here on Rib.net.
Today is the first time i have logged-in since around April time....must try harder i know!  Even worse is that i still haven't manageg the time to get 'Gwenn Ha Gwer' wet yet
C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer, c'est la mer qui prend l'homme....
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