Hello all
It is almost time to dust off the flip flops and break out the sun cream.
We will be running a skippers open day on the 12th March in lymington to get everyone on the water and talk about the coming year. The plan is to meet at the Haven bar at 10am.
It is an opportunity for all to meet up and re acquaint ourselves with the boats and for me to assess any budding future skippers.
Even if you are a regular Rib-it skipper it would be great to see you all and will give me a chance to get some paperwork sorted.
If you have not done any work with us before then you will be asked to undertake some tasks including safety briefing and boat handling skills. I also ask that you wear clothing you think is appropriate for skippering a rib. You will also hopefully meet some of my best clients so you can put a face to a name.
If you could ALL bring copies of you certificates including first aid and you payment details that would be great. We are only looking for advanced powerboat skippers and above.
I cannot pay you for your time on the 12th but if you are lucky I may buy you a coffee!
Can you please let me know if you are able to attend.
Simon Nuding