Originally Posted by RogueWave
IT ain't mine!
I suspected as much!
Originally Posted by speedy
Hey Polwart, they also do not wear killcords which totally annoys me. Ok they have all these reasons why they don't which to my mind raises questions. If we saw a commercial operator driving about with the killcord dangling on the floor all the time we would call them an idiot!
Greg, I understand the arguments for not wanting a kill cord on lifeboat, I don't necessarily agree with them but I've limited experience at the life and death moments where a kill cord accidentally being triggered could cause disaster.
I can imagine if a lifeboat ever did kill someone due to the lack of kill cord that the RNLI might find itself facing the coroner (or FAI) or even a corporate manslaughter case trying to justify not using Killcords for the 99% of the time when accidental triggering will not result in a more dangerous situation and providing some sort of evidence as to how often in those 1% of situations where the risk might be greater the kill cord would actually have been mistakenly activated anyway.