Well this is good news for us needing codeing.
Paul Thanks for your post.
Im aware That the Mca are working on there 4th amendment and bringing together all the different coloured codes into one document at the moment,up to two weeks ago that was happening.
For rcd accreditation an offshore cat B ce marked rib has to have stability tests done based on iso 12217 at present.
A cat C ce marked boat does not require these and can be self certified by the builders.So as to comply with recreational craft directive but isnt designed to operate in anything more than a f6 and is designed for coastal /inland waters.
Is it correct that your saying that an open rib that has a cat C ce mark will be able to get cat 3 workboat code easily. withought stability tests but with a canopy on it.
A coded work boat does not require stability tests for up to Code 3 range at present, will this stay as it is in your oppinion?.
A New lesure boat with a cat B offshore does!.
The Avon model you have is it a commercial rib? or a recreational rib?.
I would presume most people who want commercial codeing will have ce marked boats or older ones that are ex lesure or work/Rescue boats and maybe dont have codeing books.But would like to do some charter,therefore if you dont require stability calculations and a notified body seal of approval then forCat 3 up to 20 miles offshore then that is acceptable and the MCA have agreed it then for all of us, or could it be the area your likley to be operating in? see link cat abc waters English channel
I heard a story about somebody with a open rib wanting codeing and was given 20 miles but only four 4 people.His boat could take 12 on the builders plate.The Avon 5.6 with the cat 3 code how many people can it take out?
I am working very closely with RCD consultantats and the MCA at the moment as we are going for 60 miles from a safe haven in our specifications,So your answeres are of great interest to me and them.
A comment today from our consultants was good news for cat C ribs,In that for a cat c rib,force 6 and 2 mtr swell.The whole of the English channel is below those conditions so you can cruise accros in your cat C rib in , responsibe wether conditions.No more worrying about the insurance implications.So im told today?
Im actually wondering wethere this is how your mate and yourself have got your Avons through with no problems,If its being used in cat C waters then there shouldt be a problem as it isnt ruff as far as the MCA catergory waters are defined.Just Mi thinking out loud and indeed I hope this to be the case.
The good bit of news will come when I have verified some other imformation,It will be of interest as I have the feeling we have maybe over specked our boat as we have complied with everything there was and could ever be,and know it could be the rules may be reduced!.
It would off saved me a lot of money if they are being downgraded, but I suppose It wouldnt be as good a boat.
Thats what I will sell myself on if indeed the rules are being less strict for MCA boats,no such luck for RCD I expect,but will report.
On the freebord height the rules are at present for RCD.
The requirment for a cat B rcd boat is actualy mimimum floor height is aprox 4 inches or 100ml for cat B and 6 inches for cat A, i.e this is the minimum height of the floor from to the water line . This is for a fully decked boat. Fueld up with max crew and is based on Iso 12217
The freeboard for RCD is not mesured to the top of the tubes this is usualy known as the downflooding angle or at the top of the transome which ever comes first for RCD.
Paul Unfortunatly I also have to disagree with you on your comment that the existing Mca Boats were codable for there intended use, as they were clearly not as they needed a range of 30 miles.The new cabin ribs have a operating ranges of 30 miles from a safe haven .
There New Halmatick ribs are opperational up to 30 miles offshore.The MCA surveyors told me last wk unless this has changed.
On the statement on cost of codeing.RCD is a one off charge for all of the same models.
MCA codeing is charged on each boat coded.Every time even for the same model.
But it may be different in the next few wks as I will get accurate clarification on this from the experts and if changes are afoot which i believe maybe for ribs under 8mtrs? I might be able to clarifie things better for everybody as the way it was is a nightmare.
I have to employed the RCD/ MCA consultant as these issues are real tecknical, and they are paid to bring me up to scratch on any changes on RCD and MCA before our build starts ,so they are liable if they are not accurate, so if you have any specific questions on this paticular subject then please post on this thread as this is the only way otheres can see whats going on , and indeed if we give incorect advice bye accident it could lead somebody to makeing the wrong decisions. If we all personaly email each other then nobody learns anything on the forum.In fact all us new boys on the block learn nothing from you Dabb hands.
Thanks for your time on this and I look forward to your responce on this thread with interest.
PS i have done my best to be accurate on this subject,if I have made errors,I appologise as its very tecknical