Originally Posted by Jimbob
miss behaving
you dont have to have a boatmans licence, if you have a suitable level of qualification. i coded mine with Portsmouth, they have a few quals they will accept, however in principle they add up to the MCA/RYA commercial endorsements anyway
Erm, not sure that's right.
In Barmouth, if you operate a boat commercially in the harbour, and the council licences that vessel, you have to have their licence. If you operate a boat under MCA regs, then you don't.
I've got my Advanced PB (Endorsed) and skipper my Cat 4 Coded RIB no probs - but if I want to spend a day chugging about on a ferry, I need the ferryman's licence. The licence was £35 on production of documentation that proved I was competant (i.e. all the quals that I use to drive the RIB).
I suspect that Miss Behaving's RIB is licenced under council regs - so her MCA/RYA qualifications will be recognised - but you still need the council's boatmans licence.
P.S. I don't think that the MCA will relax the liferaft condition!!