Hi All,
I was recently contacted to see if I was available for a two to three month term starting ASAP as follows however due to commitments already made for much of the summer, Alistair has asked if I know of anyone who may be interested.
Notably, he adds that he would in fact have a potential full time role year on year for the right person if they could also demonstrate useful boatyard type skills.
"It is an unusual if not challenging responsibility skippering a third amphibious craft around brand new jetty piles jetty that we "touch up" painting daily as the tide and weather conditions allow. As an RYA school we could also provide the training required for 10m plus powered vessels. We would also provide training to use the on board cherry picker on which the technicians work".
The job sounds fascinating and as Skipper, the post holder would have a variety of work on these craft. Alistar adds that :-
"We could also discuss providing a really nice on site mobile home with fantastic views over the haven if of interest as part of the package".
www.ruddersboatyard.co.uk under hire/charter, amphibious craft.
Alastair Pollard
01646 600288
Rudders Boatyard LLP Registered in Cardiff, Partnership No. OC301282
Registered office as below Rudders Boatyard Badger Cottage, Church Road
The Hawn, Burton Pembrokeshire SA73 1NU
Anyone interested then please contact Alistair directly (and let him know where you saw this information please).
Good luck to the job hunters...