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Old 06 January 2009, 13:59   #21
Country: UK - Wales
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I would have thought it was a fairly simple task to decide whether you needed coding or not. If you are offering yourself as a 'maritime photographer' and covering sporting events, or using the boat directly in that way, then yes, you should be coded.

If it is only you and you happen to have a boat and take some occasional photos from it, then for the hassle, annoyance, irritation and general pain-in-the-ass red tape involved, then I wouldn't bother with coding.

Look at it this way - you go out for a drive, see a stunning sunset, capture it on camera, and you find that there is a market for that stunning picture in an art gallery. Would you feel compelled to re-insure your car for business use?

Basically - if it is a business, do it. If its occasional snaps from your boat, it isn't worth it.

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Old 06 January 2009, 14:12   #22
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That's far too sensible!

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Old 11 January 2009, 00:47   #23
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Originally Posted by havener View Post
And we wonder why people give up trying to run businesses in this country...

I really must look into putting boats on the Liberian register...
Theres always Nassau You have a good watch, Sir .

I agree with Dougie on this issue, personally I wouldn't code the boat If I was just doing photography. If I was taking fare paying passengers or cargo work than yes. I'd also ask myself the question of how much work was available for my boat

Also before I went to the expense of coding I'd find out what work was available for my boat and if I wanted to do it, I would think thrill rides are out so I'ts more likely to be safety or cargo work
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Old 14 January 2009, 10:35   #24
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Seems a classic bit of over relgulation to me.

If a boat is being used for the carriage of anyone other than it's owner, of course it should be coded as there is a public safety issue, be it fare paying passenger or employee. But, for a boat used solely by its' owner, the issue of whether the use is "commercial" or not shouldn't make any difference.
I also suspect coding isn't as good as it's made out to be - I remember in the early days of fishing vessel safety inspections, when boats needed one lifejacket per crewmember, there was much "pooling" of lifejackets in harbour at times of inspection. After all, any inspection is only ever a snapshot in time.
If you're operating a boat which will carry only yourself, then I would have thought the Darwinian incentive would have provided a better route to ensure your own safety than the requirement to be coded. There are, after all, some older perfectly safe boats (including ribs) around which would be very difficult to code due to lack of stability curve info, etc and yet which pose no danger to anyone.
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Old 29 January 2009, 06:59   #25
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I guess this raises another point. Whilst ignorance of the law is not an excuse in a scenario such as Nik's, coding may not be at the forefront of his mind. Granted when you are taking onboard fee paying passengers I would venture there is a general awareness you need to do 'something' re safety and then you would go and find out what the rules are.
But if you are a sole operator why would you think you need to do anything extra on top of the usual safety stuff you would carry as a pleasure user and inform your insurance company?
In the case of photographers there are some who use very small RIBs one who uses a 12' RIB by himself so would seem overkill to have a liferaft on such a boat imho
So if you didnt use forums such as this how would you find out?
Should the RIB builder provide a brochure from the MCA?
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