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Old 14 January 2011, 20:43   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Weymouth
Length: no boat
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2
Experience and EMPLOYMENT

I have always wanted a career in the marine industry but through circumstances I have never been able to achieve this goal. At 45 I have now decided to try and rectify this ( not sure if its too late ? )
My current job is in subsea telecoms cabling working as a fibre optic / rov tech onboard cable installation ships. This work is on an 8 week on 8 week off rotation, allowing me more time to chase the dream.
In the past I have looked at the UKSA novice to Yachtmaster type courses but they are a bit pricey.
My first step has been to become a volenteer at Portland Sailing Academy in return for 10 days voluntary safety boat work they will qualify me PB2 level.
What I am looking for to gain as much experience, leading to paid positions in my 8 weeks off periods.
Is this a realistic career, what time scales and pay could be possible in say safety boat , standby vessel work at crew and skipper levels.
I would be interested in any oppurtunities either within my area ( weymouth ) or worldwide as travel is not a problem. My availability for 2011 is approx April May August September December however I am available for weekend work most off the year.
I know this is asking alot of questions but I really hope to succeed with this venture and appreciate any info.
Current certs STCW95, Yachtmaster Theory, Offshore Medical and Eng 1
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