Originally Posted by paramaniac
Might be true for your business but not universal in it's application, particularly retained firefighters! Their attitude & enthusiasm if often superior, yet their skills & knowledge are not.
But isn't that more about skills retention rather than paid / unpaid status?
You could put full time paid firefighters in every rural station, but due to the level of calls (on the job experience) their skillset would be less than a firefighter in a busy city station.
Probably the same is true for paramedics in London compared to Isles of Scilly!
It's one of my big gripes with the current "I've got the certificate" culture - courses and training exercises are no substitute for real-life shouts, and it's those that build experience.
Going back to the original debate, it is highly offensive that someone thinks they are more "professional" than others simply because they do an activity all the time. I've known brilliantly professional part-timers in all areas - keen, experienced, courteous and able to bring their multi-role skills into a new area, same as I've known thoroughly cretinous full-timers - jaded, arrogant, unskilled and with all the customer focus of an angry warthog.