28 December 2013, 11:48
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Fuel Duty reclaim
For me it is that time of year again for annual submission. I have the HO50 but searching all HMRC sites, I cannot find the rates for 2013 periods, have they hidden it away for us--can anyone help please
28 December 2013, 12:24
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0.5795 I believe Ian . These are current rates
28 December 2013, 13:19
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Originally Posted by jmyachting
0.5795 I believe Ian . These are current rates
Thats what I had on my old forms, has it not changed at some time during the year, have seen 3 changes in some finance years and I cannot locate the web info this year
28 December 2013, 13:49
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Yep 0.5795 all year.
28 December 2013, 13:55
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Originally Posted by Trell
Yep 0.5795 all year.
Cheers makes it easy this submission then
31 December 2013, 09:23
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What is the turnaround at the moment? I put my claim in at the beginning of December, but have heard nothing back as yet.
South West Boat Transport
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31 December 2013, 09:53
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5 weeks, but with Xmas, could be slightly longer.
I try to do ours every month
31 December 2013, 16:00
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Originally Posted by SW Boat Transport
What is the turnaround at the moment? I put my claim in at the beginning of December, but have heard nothing back as yet.
I did the same and got mine back in 2 weeks.
31 December 2013, 16:10
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Originally Posted by 250kts
5 weeks, but with Xmas, could be slightly longer.
I try to do ours every month
I always submit end December, do an annual claim, usually paid in time to settle annual fees for mooring!!!
I have heard a few have been reviewed with office visits also so that delays payment if they decide to audit /inspect you
31 December 2013, 16:25
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Sent mine in nov. Cheque back 4 weeks after. Fuel duty rate hasn't changed this year.
01 January 2014, 17:01
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About 4 weeks unless you get an inspection, even with one we got it back in about 6. Not that the inspection was a problem, just showed them all the receipts and they paid up.
26 December 2014, 09:04
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New Process?
I am in the process of doing next Fuel duty reclaims, but it appears the Home Office have changed the formula to claim
Searching for downloadable H050 claim form brings up an on line claim form only?
Trouble with this is shows only one day claim at a time so effectively if true I have to submit a full form for every charter this year. Am I missing something? can it still be done with a form filled in and posted?
26 December 2014, 09:23
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Just put the whole years amount for each activity under 1 day. Basically the same as the paper form, but a single date is entered instead of a range of dates.
South West Boat Transport
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26 December 2014, 09:49
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Originally Posted by SW Boat Transport
Just put the whole years amount for each activity under 1 day. Basically the same as the paper form, but a single date is entered instead of a range of dates.
Ok thanks, wondered that, but can see a rejection if no range of dates and I also have a spreadsheet we used to send in, so guess cut backs now mean this way only.
26 December 2014, 10:21
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That's what I do too
29 December 2014, 07:23
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New system of claim
Well the on line system has failed
I have followed the process and even called the excise duty help line who are not allowed to put you through to the mineral Oils office but they have an e-mail
The help line have no knowledge of what to do now as the figures have been entered in the corret boxes and the form generates the total claim
My claim is in the thousands and has that in the final box generated by HMRC
I then get a message "You are unable to claim less than £250, and therefore not required to complete the remainder of this form" !!!
The only option is close or back and thats it. Apparently this is new system for last few months Love em
29 December 2014, 16:17
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You can still get the paper form and send it in via snail mail
Tim Griffin
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29 December 2014, 16:30
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Cheers Tim, after I e mailed them at address I attached, they called me about 0915 and said they were aware that the website has a few glitches, including not allowing you to continue when an incorrect . Point is added ie it will not allow 4001. 21 litres, needs to be 4001 litres.
Once the fault is detected it sends out the message I saw, They have other issues where VAT box does not show at all times when you tick VAT registered, It has only one date for the claiming but allows showing a period, it does not allow multiple boat claims , so a claim presently for each boat.
Once all this is cleared I managed to prepare the form under their direction which you still print and then send by mail, they have no full online process
They will allow as you say an old paper submission still if you have the old forms. They are only just seeing problems after two months in place as operators submit end of year applications
29 December 2014, 18:56
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
Cheers Tim, after I e mailed them at address I attached, they called me about 0915 and said they were aware that the website has a few glitches, including not allowing you to continue when an incorrect . Point is added ie it will not allow 4001. 21 litres, needs to be 4001 litres.
Once the fault is detected it sends out the message I saw, They have other issues where VAT box does not show at all times when you tick VAT registered, It has only one date for the claiming but allows showing a period, it does not allow multiple boat claims , so a claim presently for each boat.
Once all this is cleared I managed to prepare the form under their direction which you still print and then send by mail, they have no full online process
They will allow as you say an old paper submission still if you have the old forms. They are only just seeing problems after two months in place as operators submit end of year applications
I wrote to them on the 26th October pointing out these errors (and more including not accepting the correct duty rate!). Don't you just love it when organisations launch systems that they couldnt be bothered to test!
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