In response to requests for the documents for RYA Instructor/Coaches Indemnity Insurance, I have uploaded them to my server, for download.
This service is provided by Heath Lambert, and is designed as a backup to, not a replacement for, the RYA Training Centre's existing insurance.
You can download a .zip of all the documents here:
Or individually:
Terms and conditions
Proposal Letter
Application Form
I would like to point out that myself and Davies Coaching are in no way affilliated/connected to Heath Lambert, and are merely hosting their documents on behalf of interested parties. Whilst I will aim to keep these documents up to date, I will take no responsibility for errors, omissions, or changes in the terms and conditions or listed prices. If in doubt, please contact the scheme administrator, Val Spruce, at Heath Lambert, on 01384 822223 or vspruce.brierleyhill [at]