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Old 21 July 2011, 17:02   #1
Country: Ireland
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Help needed.

Hello people. I am thinking about doing RYA yachtmaster cert but have no experience on yacht's, sail or cruise. I do however have 12 year's experience at sea on ferries as an A.B. My goal is to get stcw 95 master code 200gt but my first step is RYA yachtmaster offshore. Can anybody tell me where to start and what book i can order to start studing as i'll need to learn a lot. Thank you.
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Old 21 July 2011, 21:02   #2
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It's a pretty big question and a pretty long answer to cover everything. There are many routes and the most appropriate one will depend on several factors.

If you want to give me a call in the office 02380 231122 I would be happy to explain.
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Old 22 July 2011, 08:50   #3
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Hi there
With your 12 years of experience already gained in the 'Merch' have you not thought about an OOW (unlimited) ticket?. There are several colleges in the Uk that can get you through this with financial assistance also available by way of govt funding (Slater fund). We have a regular program of putting ratings through their first ticket. We send most down to Plymouth to do this based on a 'distance learning' package. It's not easy but at least you can carry on working returning to college to complete the required modules and exams.
Choosing this route will give you a much more 'sustainable' qualification and will make it easier to Gain eventual dispensations in the future.
If your still employed on the ferries then try to inquire about this possibility with the company management...

C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer, c'est la mer qui prend l'homme....
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Old 26 July 2011, 17:45   #4
Country: UK - Wales
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that's good advice from Anchor HAndler. I'm guessing you already have some of the STCW short courses which should be transferable to your Yachtmaster commercial ticket

Do you want your Yachtmaster ticket so you can be a WAFI or is it for motor boats?
I did my yachtmaster theory via Chichester Marine Services and its an internet correspondence cours and I did this at sea and it was perfect for me. The whole course was about 300 and I can'trecomend them enough...I put there after sales service to the test and nothing was too much trouble. I'll post a link at the end o this thread.

I got an awful lot of my seamiles in driving coastal tugs, one company I know will be happy to use you when your off shift. are you 4 on and 2 off? I found it was a good way of getting paid for gaining sea miles.

I'm in the process of gettin my 200 .on ticket myself cos eveytime I see a multicat I want to be driving it. so if I can give you any help please call me on 07859886431 I'm onshore for the next 4 days if you want to call

I do know of a 20 year old with a 200 ton ticket so it can't be based on years and years of experience.

There is a good guy on this froum who has recently completed this and his name is tugandtow. you might get some pointers if you PM himw
Good luck Stu
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