Help Please!!!!!!!
I am compleating my IVA (Bugger of an assignment that is the difference between passing and failing a 2 year course) at college at the moment. one of the tasks we have to do is......
produce a suitable code of practice for a club and promote its use with Players/participants,coaches + spectators.
a) prepare a suitable code of practice for the club
b) draught a leaflet letter or other comunication with the club to distribute with the code of practice explaining how it should be used and the benifits it will have for the club
c)prepare a covering letter for the management comittee of the clubthat analyses the importance of having a code of practice and givesrecomendations on how the codes of practicecould be monitored and improved.
B and C are no problem but i need a base to work on for the actual COP, so do any comercial opperators out there prefrably an RYA school have a code of practice that they would be willing to copy and post or e-mail to me. I would obviously be willing to pay postage of a document and coppying fees. it would be ,modified for my use and not used for any other purpose except my IVA
yours beggingly