Originally Posted by Simon Hawkins
If you are not taking fair paying passengers then no you wont ned to be coded. With regards to the safety boat side of things make sure your boat is Insured for this use, and make sure you are competant in what you are doing.
It would depend on what you are being a safety boat for, if for example it is for another company and they are paying you then you would require to be coded under the workboat code.
Just because you do not carry fare paying passengers does mean that you are exempt from the exisiting yellow code but not the brown i.e workboat.
I am by no means an expert in codes, but have a pretty good understanding of them and have been working with them since there introduction.
If I am unsure of any work being offered I usually phone the local MCA surveyors and take their advice, as it's them that would prosecute if it all turned to shite.