We recently invested in two Seasafe “Hypo Hoist RIB” MOB recovery slings to fit to the two main RIBs that we use. We had figured for some time due to the number of people that we have recovered in recent years that the RIBs should be fitted with a decent system.
Man Overboard - Hypo Hoist - RIB
We did for a while carry the orange builders netting (gets brittle and is difficult on your hands) and also figured that a fishing net would work well and whilst we had also figured on getting a sail manufacturer to make us some seeing these at Seaworks last year just led to a quick & simple order.
They come with three eyes alongside the long edge so we have spliced lines on and attached fitments in the RIBs and also spliced a long line onto the handle end. We have tested them and they seem to work but it certainly isn’t fun being recovered!
Someone observed that the easiest way to deal with a MOB is i) Never let it happen – totally agreed ii) Drag them out as rapidly as possible once alongside – mostly agreed.
The reason for a MOB system in my eyes is:
1) If only two people on board a single person cannot (usually) lift a person out
2) If we happen upon persons in the water or respond to an incident (which is what usually happens) then it is possible they are i) hypothermic ii) Suffering from hydrostatic squeeze and in both cases a horizontal recovery is recommended.
Regards, Paul