Some good points raised Doug
But I feel that so much has moved on from 16 years ago rib size engines and technology and industry requirements.
I remember when I did my Advanced Course on a 5.4 a 50hp on the back a hand held gps and a echo sounder on a rib with a single jockey .As perhaps you did on a similar size boat.
But look at what is required now to raise the bar for the end user a min size rib (still to small) seats for all onboard fixed GPS and echo sounder .
A rib that is coded is not going to be better than most RYA school boats but its a level that raises the standard of those that don't apply the same level of kit that the good schools do to there boats.
This new standard for Instructors and schools aligned with the PPR gives the Advanced award more credibility in the eyes of the commercial world .
I know the boats are going to be less than 10 m and most on singles but at least potential employers can see a base level and either the individual or the operator will gain /give further training on specific vessels.
It's not perfect but it is better and anything that improves the quality of kit and safety for the end user has to be good in my book.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor