16 July 2012, 18:24
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 222
MCA Master 200
Hi All.
In case anyone is thinking of taking the Master 200/OOW 500 anytime soon, please see the questions I was asked on Friday. I passed by the way!
What information is contained within the LY2 code?
What is the meaning of an A60 bulkhead?
What is the specified minimum GM for a vessel under the LY code?
Shown a Isolated Danger Mark, give meaning, location, light pattern, my actions?
Shown a North Cardinal, give meaning, location, light pattern, my actions?
Shown a West Cardinal give meaning, location, light pattern, my actions?
Shown a preferred channel mark, give IALA region, meaning, location, light pattern, my actions?
Table top ships – crossing situation in sight – I am the stand on vessel, give sound sigs and actions?
Other ship doesn’t respond, what would I do?
The other ship still doesn’t respond so now what?
Table top ships – crossing situation in sight – I am the give way?
Table top ships – head on situation?
Table top ships – vessel in sight one point abaft the beam, stbd side, 3 miles. What actions?
What nav lights would the other ship see?
Approaching fog, what actions in preparation?
What do you mean “Rule 6”?
In fog, three 6 minutes plots on a radar plotting sheet dead abeam to stbd, what will I do?
Now 3 more 6 minutes plots on the port bow, what would I do?
Now I have stopped, predict the next plots for both targets.
What maneuvering signals would I use in restricted vis? None!
MOB has just been reported to me as OOW, list all actions?
What is Oscar?
What does Oscar look like?
I am on a container ship, MOB went over forward of the beam, stbd side, what are my rudder orders?
What is the VHF DSC frequency?
What is the MF DSC alerting frequency?
How would I search for the casualty?
Describe sector and expanding box searches?
What are my rudders orders for a Williamson Turn?
How would I recover the casualty?
Where and how would I position the ship to recover the casualty? MOB boat?
I need to send men into the chain locker, what actions, and specific risks?
What is a risk assessment?
What are the stages of a risk assessment?
What are COSWOPS, what are in them?
What is the oxygen concentration in normal air?
Bunkering at anchor, what actions and preparations?
What do you mean by pollution watch?
Smartie board – two white lights?
Smartie board – two white lights and two red?
Smartie board – red over white + white?
Smartie board – 3 whites & 2 greens?
Smartie board – what extra lights if vessel also RAM?
What is the arc and range of visibility of the white lights? (towing vsl)
This same vessel is now fine to Port, what actions? (stbd aspect)
What are the RAM day shapes?
What are the Anchor day shapes?
What are the FV day shapes?
Given an HRU – how to rig, how does it work, what does it do?
Sources of weather information?
List all the means of distress reporting under the Colregs?
Table top ships – narrow channels – signal for overtaking to stbd?
Table top ships – narrow channels – signals for agreeing?
Explain the possible effect of slack tanks?
Explain the movement of G when lolling?
Explain the effect of reduced freeboard on the ship?
What are the working/rest hours regulations?
Explain the permit to work (PTW) procedure?
How long is a PTW valid?
What happens to a PTW once opened?
Explain musters and drills?
When must they be carried out?
Explain the meanings and uses of Mayday, Pan Pan and Securite?
What is a compass error record book, what is it and what’s in it?
How often should the compass be checked?
You are coastal but don’t know your position, all nav gear inc gyro and gps are faulty. How do you check your compass error?
What is Rule 6 and what factors to take into account?
What is a safe speed versus visibility.
Fog signals for all types of vessels inc aground/anchor.
16 July 2012, 19:19
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
very well done Thanks for that as I'm intending doing mine soon
was the two green and three whites a long tow stb aspect or was it a big trawler
and what is Oscar please
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
16 July 2012, 19:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 222
Hi there.
Yes towing vsl and long tow, stbd aspect.
Oscar, three prolonged blasts meaning mob. Signal flag red triangle over yellow triangle.
Recommend uksa for prep course, master mariner and Lt Cdr (rtd) instructors - intense but brilliant.
16 July 2012, 19:45
Country: UK - Wales
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 1,012
This is a typical example of how the gov are making test papers easier these days so anyone can pass,
LOL; only joking, Well done Captain,  I struggled with a few of them meself.  and couldn't undestand why they'd include the questions on explain the meaning of Mayday pan pan etc. all of that should have been covered with the radio exam,
16 July 2012, 19:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 222
As you probably know, it's not a paper, it's a face to face oral with a Master Mariner from the MCA with about a million years experience. Mine was 1hr 10 mins.
16 July 2012, 20:10
Country: UK - Wales
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Posts: 1,012
Absolutely fully understand Capt,  I was just being a cheeky minge, i'm like that.  an your lucky he was on the vessal for 2hr with me. and that was just for a DOT passanger carrying boat master licence,
16 July 2012, 20:53
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
Originally Posted by Will75
Hi there.
Yes towing vsl and long tow, stbd aspect.
Oscar, three prolonged blasts meaning mob. Signal flag red triangle over yellow triangle.
Recommend uksa for prep course, master mariner and Lt Cdr (rtd) instructors - intense but brilliant.
Ahh I see Morse Oscar sadly I heard that from a ship in the Southampton water a few days ago.
sis you have to know all the signal flags?
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
16 July 2012, 21:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
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Make: XS700
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Not to undermine Wills prep, it obviously did the job but a blatant plug from me
Our next Master 200 orals prep at Stormforce Coaching is a month away (20-25th August 2012). Just enough time to apply for a NOE.
Our course is taught by an experienced Master 3,000 who mixes professional skippering and instructing about 50:50 and has been doing so for many years.
The course is run from our new centre at Shamrock Quay Marina.
Pre requisites include
For the Unlimited (Ocean going) Master 200 you will also require
This qualification will also cover you as OOW up to 500 tonnes.
17 July 2012, 06:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 222
Actually I nearly went to Stormforce but the UKSA week tied in nicely with something else I was doing. I am sure Doug's course is equally excellent.
17 July 2012, 07:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Zummerset
Boat name: irven arlyss
Make: Humber Oceanpro
Length: 6m +
Engine: evinrude 135hp
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 394
Well done!
Orals are always nerve wracking, and you just never know exactly what will come up.
Where did you do you it? MCA in southampton?
17 July 2012, 12:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 222
No, Falmouth in the end....Southampton are booked up until January. A six hour drive each way and romantic dinner for one the night before with my head in the books!
18 July 2012, 06:08
Country: UK - England
Town: Zummerset
Boat name: irven arlyss
Make: Humber Oceanpro
Length: 6m +
Engine: evinrude 135hp
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 394
Originally Posted by Will75
No, Falmouth in the end....Southampton are booked up until January. A six hour drive each way and romantic dinner for one the night before with my head in the books!
A long way to go for sure, but at least it is over.
Good luck and be safe.
26 July 2012, 07:41
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 13
Master200gt Orals
Hi all I Just passed my Master200gt oral exam yesterday  , me and Will75 actually went to UKSA Prep course on the same date, the course is very good I also did an extra day private tuition 1-2-1 with the instructor a couple of days ago to keep it all fresh in my head. I was very lucky to get a space at the Southampton office as Will said they are booked up until January!!
28 July 2012, 20:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 222
Are you going to put your questions on here mate? Well done!
30 July 2012, 21:33
Country: UK - England
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MCA master 200gt oral
Here are some of my questions from the MCA MASTER200gt oral exam in southampton there may be some questions missing these are the ones i recall.
1.asked if i had seen barograph before explain what it is, then he said it had dropped very sharply why?
2.pointed at stevensen screen and was asked to explain how it works ect.
3.asked about crew agreements.
4.asked about towage contracts and salvage LOF ect.
5.asked about MARPOL and garbage management tonnage of vessels to which it applies ect.
6.told that i was on vessel leaving from portsmouth going to caribbean what are my preperations.
7.then you are in navarea 2 you hear a distress, what are your actions.
8.name some sources of met info.
9.what are your Preparations for heavy weather?
10.LY2 explain what it contains.
11.various radar plots, construct W.O.A triangle 3 times then rule 19 restricted visiblity various situations,
vessel on starboard quarter in restricted vis then vessel forward of beam starboard.
12.bouyage-prefered channel marker IALA A + B lateral bouyage ect.
13. lights and shapes- RAM, fishing with outstending gear 150m+, CBD, what actions from me as PDV.
14. me in tss in large ship, another vessel crossing from starboard what are my actions, stand on or give way.
15.what is GM talk about list and loll whats the difference, what is the minimum GM? 0015M ect.
16. given hand held orange smoke signals, how do you operate it i show him and say read the label first. One has a red bottom to
it the other has a blue bottom what is the difference? i say none.
17. VAriation deviation what are they and how are they applied CDMVT TVMDC ect.
18. shown chart and points to tidal diamond what is this? then what is (M.S) mud and sand Then (brk.sh.st) broken shell stones. asked
why i needed to know the nature of the seabed. Shown compass rose asked to explain what it is.
19. he gives me a trick question now, what dayshape does a sailing vessel show, i say none you can see that she is sailing from the sails
and i say if she is under power as well she will exibit a motoring cone.
20. more table top ships lots of different situations.
21. smarty board lights, towing, RAM, CBD, trawling, fishing actions as PDV ect
22. explain the definition of CBD
at this point he put a stamp on my N.O.E and continued to quiz me on more bouyage and ROR while he filled out the NOE then told me i had passed
and continued asking questions on bouyage, ROR ect he then finished up by giving me a debrief on how i did in the exam, he said i thought you did well.
07 August 2012, 20:55
Country: UK - England
Town: eastbourne
Boat name: N/A
Make: N/A
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 13
Two more questions I have remembered - What are your actions for MOB
What are COSWPS
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