Just a heads up for those wishing to improve the level of their current CoC's that, at Seawork 2013, the MCA launched and published MGN 496 which established the new STCW 95 Master (WorkBoat) <500gt CoC.
There are many pathways to entry including from Master (Code Vessel) <200gt but check out the flow chart on page 13 of the M Notice for the entry points that have been included. I am aware from the work that I am involved in that there have been additional entry pathways agreed with the MCA.
The link to the M Notice is
http://www.dft.gov.uk/mca/mgn-496.pdf read it and if you have any queries then don't hesitate to contact me by PM as I may well be able to provide you with answers. (I have been Chairman of the National WorkBoat Association Training Committee that has been working with the MCA over the past 4 years or so to establish this new CoC!)