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Old 01 April 2005, 09:46   #1
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Number of charters per year

Hi guys,

For my A-level Business Studies Coursework i am doing a feasability study into setting up a rib charter business in the Solent. For those of you who operate RIB charter companies approximately how many days per year is the boat chartered out? Obviously, you may not want to put this on a public
forum so PM me if you would prefer.

Thanks for your help guys

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Old 01 April 2005, 10:55   #2
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look how many go bust every year

this may help with the fesabilaty study
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Old 01 April 2005, 11:06   #3
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Originally Posted by ADS
For those of you who operate RIB charter companies approximately how many days per year is the boat chartered out?

Hmm could answer that with how long is a piece of string.

Alex it depends the size of the rib(seating) and on the forthcoming events staged throughout the year , this year is very good so far and with the addition of the Rolex cup and of course Trafalgar and the return of the Challenge Yachts to name a couple, so bookings are up from last year all ready. In addition to this it depends on the economy if on a down turn then corporate events go out as companies have to tighten their belts. It also depends on who you work with ie networking advertising and who you know . Event management companies will get you some work but not always , charter management companies will get you work and take a commission between 10% and 20% its a hard answer to come up with some companies will be busy some not. If you looked at 30 days as a min you would have some basis for your study but it is a weather dependant game and most of the work is last minute stuff. You will need a understanding bank manager and wife and expect to make nothing in the first few years of trading , add to that the capital outlay for the boat if you get a loan then its not going to pay itself for 10 years and by this time the boat will need upgrading as it will start to show it's age 5 years for keeping the boat tops. I hope this has been of some use i'm sure others will do their bit for you.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 01 April 2005, 12:08   #4
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Alex, it would be interesting to see the conclusions of your studies, perhaps you might consider publishing them with JKs help in the reference section.

Ribnet is best viewed on a computer of some sort
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Old 02 April 2005, 19:27   #5
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Cheers guys,

Riva: Its a feasibility study, whcih will probably conclude its it is unfeasable, but I can still get the marks .

Tim: Cheers Tim, just what I was looking for, 30 charters per year is less than I had imagined, but excellent information. As you say there are many variables, but providing I look into all these and relate business concepts I should pick up the marks.

Pete: When its completed, i will look into publishing it. Good luck with your charter business, I like the website.

Thanks again,
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Old 03 April 2005, 17:55   #6
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Glad to be of assistance i hope you get good marks let me know how you get on .

All the best
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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