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Old 09 June 2010, 17:59   #1
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Online Bookings

We are in the process of setting up a website for our rib trip business.

We would like to have a facility for potential customers to book trips online on our website but dont know if it is just adding cost to the project. Does anyone have any experience or views on this booking method?

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Old 09 June 2010, 18:16   #2
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It might be worth looking at and getting people to quote for doing it, that way you'll get an idea of cost

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Old 09 June 2010, 18:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
We are in the process of setting up a website for our rib trip business.

We would like to have a facility for potential customers to book trips online on our website but dont know if it is just adding cost to the project. Does anyone have any experience or views on this booking method?

Ashton, In "normal life" I would expect this sort of feature, for a serious operation. However if a lot of your customers are on holiday then will they have web access? Also how weather dependant are you (if I book today 2 weeks in advance presumably you may need to refund me if the weather is crap? what if I book for tomorrow and you have a bad weather forecast or an engine problem will it be easy for you to update booking availability to show this).

In terms of costs there should be some fairly "off the shelf" components for you / your developer to use.
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Old 10 June 2010, 16:23   #4
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Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
We are in the process of setting up a website for our rib trip business.

We would like to have a facility for potential customers to book trips online on our website but dont know if it is just adding cost to the project. Does anyone have any experience or views on this booking method?

If its any help I am getting my developer to do this right now and he should have it to me hopefully within the next few weeks

If it works Ok as I am paying for it I could for a small concideration let you use it!
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Old 10 June 2010, 16:27   #5
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Just for your information there are lots of Companies that will host on line booking the biggest being goliath

But they charge per booking taken with a minimum per month

I worked it out as very costly!
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Old 12 June 2010, 07:48   #6
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I run a Company that provides on line booking systems for RYA training centres and other watersports centres called It is mainly for training centres but I use it to take boat bookings as well as it has times, dates and live availability as well as taking credit and debit cards. The cost is either £100 per month for unlimited use or 2% of all transactions though the system. It is web based so you can access it anywhere you have a web connection.
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Old 12 June 2010, 08:29   #7
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I have a online booking system that I set up with my web designer very easy to do and don't need to go to a hosting company and pay a monthly fee.
Ta Tim
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Old 12 June 2010, 11:47   #8
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Have been doing this for a number of years now, and although someone said it works out as costly - it works out better than no booking at all, on the scale of what you take in it is worth every penny, so ignore that.

Under the new credit card regulations that came in this year, i find it hard to believe that you can simply set it up - with your web designer, maybe last year, but not this one - you have to remem that with all the card fraud that is going on people are more wary, and not so keen to put their card details in - so a recognised setup is security for the customer, and makes it a better looking operation.
I am in the process of changing mine over to a better system, and should be sorted in the next week or so, also someone said that would people actually book online when they are already on holiday. answer is yes, without a doubt.

If you want the details of the 2 companies i use email me at

Off the top of my head, i would say it works out about 3.5 % of the total price entered by the customer, you will have to have a visa/credit card machine and have 2 seperate merchant accounts.

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Old 12 June 2010, 12:08   #9
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Links in to Paypal so very easy to set up .
Other ones out there a world pay and nochecks.
A small percentage is charged for each transaction but no big deal and allows potential customers to book online and payonline all in one go.
Been doing it this way for about 5 years and not had any problems with it yet and is a secure system for customers peace of mind.
Tim Griffin
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Old 13 June 2010, 23:40   #10
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I am using it more and more

add it in your site via an Iframe or Wrapper in Joomla...


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Old 14 June 2010, 19:03   #11
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If you're talking about a simple booking form, i.e taking name, address, details etc, and then passing it over to a payment gateway, such as paypal / worldpay etc is should be fairly simple and straight forward.

You should have an SSL certificate on your website (so you can access it using https), and then it you can store the data or forward it on to your email address, and then pass the customer over to the payment gateway who will securely take the payment details, process it, and normally send them back to a thank you page on your website.

Feel free to PM me if you require any more information
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