16 August 2012, 20:34
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PB Advanced Exam - which theory
I was planning on finally booking my exam for PB Advanced. I was told that the RYA will soon be changing the pre-entry requirement for Shorebased Theory to Yachtsmaster Theory.
Anyone heard about this or know when they are making the change?
16 August 2012, 21:24
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There has been talk of the knowledge level being upped from dayskipper theory to coastal skipper theory. However to my knowledge a date has not been set as yet.
16 August 2012, 21:29
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I thought it had already been implemented.
16 August 2012, 21:38
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For the advanced powerboat, the cruising scheme theory courses are assumed prior knowledge not a pre-requisite. So really it always should have been coastal theory. Most schools that I know of have insisted on coastal skipper level of knowledge for a while, the reason being if you chart work and nav knowledge are all ready at that level the course can focus on the practical implementation of your knowledge and strengthen any weaknesses.
17 August 2012, 07:37
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When I did my advanced powerboat exam some of the theory questions I was asked where definitely from the yachtmaster syllabus (e.g. Working out wind speed from a synoptic chart)
Chris Moody
Rib Tigga2 a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda BF50
17 August 2012, 08:08
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I used the yachtmaster books to swat up a bit . They didn't seem too hard based on those.
17 August 2012, 08:11
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Cheers guys - just want to get prepared. I did the day skipper theory just before my advanced course a couple of years ago with no issues. So do I do some home study to brush up or pay more money and do the yachtsmaster theory prior to the commercial exam?
17 August 2012, 08:20
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Originally Posted by MikeL
Cheers guys - just want to get prepared. I did the day skipper theory just before my advanced course a couple of years ago with no issues. So do I do some home study to brush up or pay more money and do the yachtsmaster theory prior to the commercial exam?
Home study worked for me ....if you are motivated enough to want to learn it then my thinking is you will learn at home . Of course courses do give you access to very experianced people who have hints & tips of how to do stuff easier . Guess whichever feels is best for you ?
17 August 2012, 11:35
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Make sure your slow speed boat handling is really good, and practice your night navigation.
On the theory side revise:
Day shapes
Sound signals
Weather incl synoptic charts
I did a prep course with one of the training companies here on ribnet. The course was very intensive and in my opinion great value for money.
Chris Moody
Rib Tigga2 a Ribcraft 4.8 with a Honda BF50
17 August 2012, 12:59
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17 August 2012, 21:18
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The theory level up to coastal Yachmaster comes in next year but examiners have been asked to already start merging it in this year.
Seaforce. The Tall Ship, Riverside. 150 Pointhouse Place. Glasgow G3 8RS
Telephone 0141 221 1070 info@seaforce.co.uk
19 August 2012, 21:19
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The increase in assumed theory knowledge for both the Advanced Course and the Advanced CoC comes in in September 2013.
I think it would be a bit harsh for examiners to starts examining something that is not currently in the syllabus and the letters I have received on this made no mention of anyone examining to this level before Septembre 2013.
19 August 2012, 21:56
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
I think it would be a bit harsh for examiners to starts examining something that is not currently in the syllabus and the letters I have received on this made no mention of anyone examining to this level before Septembre 2013.
The theory question I have been asked by the examiner in February this year did not exactly match the day skipper syllabus. It was not much different from my yachtmaster exams.
19 August 2012, 22:32
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Surely its ok to ask a complex (yachtmaster) question and judge the answer on the 'level' that is needed. If someone gives the 'yachtmaster' level answer does it not show the examiner they have met the standard + some , if they give the 'required' level answer then that too is fine ?
As long as they dont penalise for a 'required' level answer to the 'yachmaster' question .......
21 August 2012, 22:31
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Originally Posted by Alexander
The theory question I have been asked by the examiner in February this year did not exactly match the day skipper syllabus. It was not much different from my yachtmaster exams.
Its a strange one as any candidate going along with an Advanced certificate to be commercially endorsed only needs the knolwedge level up to Day Skipper, not exatly a level playing field.
Seaforce. The Tall Ship, Riverside. 150 Pointhouse Place. Glasgow G3 8RS
Telephone 0141 221 1070 info@seaforce.co.uk
21 August 2012, 22:32
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
The increase in assumed theory knowledge for both the Advanced Course and the Advanced CoC comes in in September 2013.
I think it would be a bit harsh for examiners to starts examining something that is not currently in the syllabus and the letters I have received on this made no mention of anyone examining to this level before Septembre 2013.
Hi Doug,
Sent you a pm with the source of the information. Rather reliable source. Totally agree its a bit harsh.
Seaforce. The Tall Ship, Riverside. 150 Pointhouse Place. Glasgow G3 8RS
Telephone 0141 221 1070 info@seaforce.co.uk
21 August 2012, 22:36
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Originally Posted by PeterM
Surely its ok to ask a complex (yachtmaster) question and judge the answer on the 'level' that is needed. If someone gives the 'yachtmaster' level answer does it not show the examiner they have met the standard + some , if they give the 'required' level answer then that too is fine ?
As long as they dont penalise for a 'required' level answer to the 'yachmaster' question .......
I haven't been asked or instructed to examine above day skipper which is assumed knowledge level, and I suggest it would be quite unfair to ask questions above that but accept answers in line with day skipper, nor to my knowledge have any other examiners. Steve Z
Steve Zodiac
Fireball XL5
27 August 2012, 07:04
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I think that, as an examiner for other oral exams, you can ask the same question at different levels of certificate but what you are checking is that the level of the answer is correct for the certificate that is being examined.
This is also my experience from my work which has involved for the last 15 years preparing candidates for oral exams for many different levels ranging from RYA Ocean, Master (Code Vessel) <200gt, OOW (Yachts) <3000gt, OOW (Unlimited) ranging all the way up to Chief Mate/Master (unlimited).
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