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Old 27 September 2005, 14:50   #1
Country: UK - Wales
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Permitted authorities to Code...

I am trying to establish who can code what, and where!!

My RIB is coded to Cat 4 by a surveyor who (I assume) is permitted to categorise vessels on behalf of the MCA. Other small boats in the harbour are cleared to Category C (i.e. less than my Cat 4) but are done by the MCA directly. Does anyone know what the difference is? Is it small vessels? Or is it passenger capacity? Or is it water category? Or is it simply convenience that makes the difference?

Any clues/ideas?

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Old 27 September 2005, 15:30   #2
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over to searider...

he'll know for sure - may be worth a pm...
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Old 27 September 2005, 19:47   #3
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From a previous post,

This page has relevant info I think for what you're after.

We have been dealing with at work.

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Old 27 September 2005, 19:52   #4
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Barmouth
Boat name: Blue Marlin
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yanmar 315/Bravo 2X
MMSI: 235020218
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 827
OK - thanks Alex.

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Old 29 September 2005, 20:14   #5
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Originally Posted by DGR
I am trying to establish who can code what, and where!!

My RIB is coded to Cat 4 by a surveyor who (I assume) is permitted to categorise vessels on behalf of the MCA. Other small boats in the harbour are cleared to Category C (i.e. less than my Cat 4) but are done by the MCA directly. Does anyone know what the difference is? Is it small vessels? Or is it passenger capacity? Or is it water category? Or is it simply convenience that makes the difference?

Any clues/ideas?

You are confusing two types of code.

1. CAT 4 is part of MCA codes for passenger boats or as is now to be clasified under the harmonsied codes workboats. This CAT goes from 1 to 6 with no 1 being the hardest.

2. CAT C is part of the recreational craft directive for the purposes of setting a definitive standard for pleasure vessels before being placed on the market. In this case CAT C is inshore waters, then CAT B is offshore to a significant wave height of 4m and CAT A deep sea.

Up to 8m(from memory) the RCD paperwork, that includes stability etc, can be used as part of coding for CAT 1 to 6. After that we are in to SOLAS declarations though there still seem to be a few larger RIBS getting through without decent papers. A decent RIB for coding will go further than the basics and have

1. Drpp tests and possibly slam tests.
2. A full stability booklet rather than a simple heel and swamp test
3. Surveyor inspections during construction.

A coded vessel will also require a staement from the hull makers of compliance to SOLAS and inflation tests on the tubes. RCD will require none of this.

The MCA do not issue papers on RCD. This is done through an independant commercial company who ineffect issue type approval. Regulations and enforcement regarding RCD are governed by Trading Standards.


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Old 04 October 2005, 13:13   #6
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Barmouth
Boat name: Blue Marlin
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yanmar 315/Bravo 2X
MMSI: 235020218
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 827

Thanks for that!! I understand the RCD categorisation, but there also seems to be a Cat A/B/C/D for waters as well. The Menai Straights are considered Cat C waters - so what would you need for Commercial Operations there? Would it be the same as the Solent?

The MCA also have a coding document for Category A/B/C/D waters (inland waters, although applies to some tidal stretches) - which appears distinctly different to the Cat 1 - 6 that I've seen previously - including an annex for beachcraft. This appears to be a subset of the new harmonised code - but implies that other authorities can code as well as the MCA (like a 'boatmans' licence issued by Local Authorities in the Solent etc).

The question arose because I was asked whether I'd had my mid-season MCA inspection of my Cat 4 RIB (which was news to me) by the other commercial operators in the harbour - one a Cat 4 angling boat, the others being Cat C vessels doing passenger trips in the estuary and the ferry.

The link to the document I mentioned is -

I'd be interested to know whether I've got the wrong end of the stick - or if its just confusing!!

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