29 March 2012, 19:18
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PPR for commercial endorsement
How many are going to do the new PPR for your commercial endorsement .
Just been recognised as a RYA centre able to offer this so happy to give help and advice .
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
30 March 2012, 06:43
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Got letter through today from RYA telling me my commercial endorsement expires in a few weeks so I need to do it.
Just need to decide who to pay my money to.
Need to get my ml5 done as well. How much cash do doctors take the satisfaction of taking from you for the pleasure of their stamp and signature these days?
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Freelance skipper, RYA Powerboat Trainer and Advanced Examiner
30 March 2012, 06:51
Country: UK - England
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Hi Graham
Plenty of centres to choose from price is the same so choice is yours .Like I said I am happy to offer it or just give advice.
I paid £95 for my last medical.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
30 March 2012, 12:19
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Here at Stormforce we've put quite a lot of effort into developing support for the PPR Course (including building a bespoke website with FAQs and a regularly updated blog - http://www.ppr-course.com) as we think we're ideally placed to offer support for it.
It's an interesting course to take, as it's largely focused on changing behaviour through understanding, rather than specifically imparting knowledge. This means that a lot of time is spent locating documents online and then searching through them, the idea being that whilst mariners might not know the legal 'ins and outs' of every situation, they will at least know where to look!
A couple of the Stormforce Crew were involved in the development of the course, and have been providing feedback on the pilot and development versions. Doug, our Principal, and Adie, our Chief Instructor, have both completed the course and spent a fair amount of their time going over and over it, ready for what we hope are a few enquiries.
We're going to be doing some very special offers to co-incide with the PPR Launch on the 2nd April - this won't interest you Tim (!), but Graham (hamster), please give us a call and we'll discuss why we think you should nominate us as your centre! Your money actually goes straight to the RYA, but nominated centres do get a small cut.
For anyone else who needs this course, would like their questions answered, or indeed would like to do a course that leads to a commercial endorsement, you can click here to book now, call us on 02380 231122, or e-mail us on nav@stormforce.biz.
Safe and Legal Ribbing,
The Stormforce Team
30 March 2012, 17:23
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31 March 2012, 15:34
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
Hi Graham
Plenty of centres to choose from price is the same so choice is yours .Like I said I am happy to offer it or just give advice.
I paid £95 for my last medical.
I paid £65 for my medical about 4 weeks ago. I did have a bit of argument with them as they wanted to charge me a £169 for the ML5 they told me this was a standard price. Even £65 is expensive for 20 minute blood pressure/eyesight and a questionaire!!!
31 March 2012, 22:46
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fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg
Wher doo I beegin?😃
05 April 2012, 10:42
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I just paid 150 for my UKOG topside Medical and I asked the Doc for one to cover the Woodentops (Norwedian) sector and he whipped out another piece of paper, signed it and stung me for another 75 quid. Ouch
last ML5 cost me 75 quid my doc said it was what he charged for HGV medicals
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
05 April 2012, 10:44
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
How many are going to do the new PPR for your commercial endorsement .
Just been recognised as a RYA centre able to offer this so happy to give help and advice .
what dates are you running this (before 24/04/12)
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
09 April 2012, 14:46
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Originally Posted by National safety
I paid £65 for my medical about 4 weeks ago. I did have a bit of argument with them as they wanted to charge me a £169 for the ML5 they told me this was a standard price. Even £65 is expensive for 20 minute blood pressure/eyesight and a questionaire!!!
Only costs me about £60 for an ENG1.
11 April 2012, 04:48
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Ive just renewed my ENG 1 medical which is STCW / with a MCA doctor and that was only £80 - it lasts 24 months.....! It includes, Blood Pressure, Urine, Hearing, Eyesight and a few other pieces..... it is internationally recognised, and is v useful if your doing cross channel and got into any sticky situations...
Nick Davis
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11 April 2012, 22:10
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Tip for anyone doing the PPR, if you know the 148 pages of MGN 280 you be fine.
And do the mock test gives a good idea of what there looking for.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S using Rib.net
11 April 2012, 23:27
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Originally Posted by alant1
Only costs me about £60 for an ENG1.
Alan I thought the ENG1 price was laid down by someone or other in authority rather than being left up to individual doctors?
18 April 2012, 15:23
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce
Alan I thought the ENG1 price was laid down by someone or other in authority rather than being left up to individual doctors?
Not sure about any set fee Doug, but simply pay what he demands. Cost seems similar to the ML5, but done more often.
18 April 2012, 15:36
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Originally Posted by alant1
Not sure about any set fee Doug, but simply pay what he demands. Cost seems similar to the ML5, but done more often.
On Doug's instructions, we've done a bit of research into this in the office. The fee is laid down in Law by the Merchant Shipping (Fees) regulations, and can be found in Part 3.
It's currently £80, but that is a maximum limit; there's nothing to stop a Doctor charging less, they're just not allowed to charge more.
You can find the relevant legislation here: The Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 2006
02 May 2012, 07:20
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Ruari 29
Tip for anyone doing the PPR, if you know the 148 pages of MGN 280 you be fine.
And do the mock test gives a good idea of what there looking for.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S using Rib.net
RYA have produced a book PPR G105 very good that accompanies the course and great for those of you who get frustrated by websites with pop up menus and drop down pages.
Congrats Ruari on getting a great score on the test by the way.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
02 May 2012, 08:13
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Originally Posted by tim griffin
RYA have produced a book PPR G105 very good
Definitely agree with you on this Tim. We had a chap telephone us on Monday who wanted to do the PPR course, but struggled with reliability on his internet connection (he lives on one of the Orkney Islands).
He's in the process of coding a boat, so is familiar with MGN280, bought G105 (Commercial Regulations - Small Vessels) from the RYA shop, and as soon as he signed up to the PPR course, he went straight through the mock papers and into the exams - 100% on both.
Ideal for those who are put off by negotiating the internet, or want to do a bit of reading around the subject. You can get the new book direct from the RYA:
Buy RYA Commercial Regulations - Small Vessels at the RYA Shop
02 May 2012, 13:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Stormforce
Definitely agree with you on this Tim. We had a chap telephone us on Monday who wanted to do the PPR course, but struggled with reliability on his internet connection (he lives on one of the Orkney Islands).
Got a client in Uganda with the same thing, book on it's way to him as I type.
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
02 May 2012, 18:24
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Posts: 335
So... You can sit an unsupervised online exam and there is a book available endorsed by the examining body available.
There are no Grandfather rights and only selected MCA tickets qualify for an exemption
But it's not a money making exercise? I believe them - not!
02 May 2012, 21:34
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,032
Originally Posted by SDGANDER
So... You can sit an unsupervised online exam and there is a book available endorsed by the examining body available.
There are no Grandfather rights and only selected MCA tickets qualify for an exemption
But it's not a money making exercise? I believe them - not!
Oh those evil people, producing a book that might help students learn the subject!
There are no grandfather rights, why would there be? It's because most grandfathers don't know this stuff that it has been added to the commercial endorsement process for everyone.
And yes selected MCA CoCs do qualify for an exemption, guess which ones?. It's the ones that have covered this already.
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