Hi Sam
£280 for the Advanced Powerboat Instructor you should have a look on the trade section lots of Instructor courses advertised there.
Before running I would suggest you do the PB2 Instructors and get a minimum of one seasons teaching under your belt .
To go on to do your Advanced Instructor you will need the Advanced Powerboat Certificate VHF First Aid and have the ability to navigate to the level of Dayskipper if you want to go on to teach the Advance then strongly recommend the DS shore based course or you will struggle when it comes to delivering the Intermediate and Advanced Courses .
I am afraid there is no fast way of becoming a Advanced Instructor and all the course will cost you money but we have all been there and the effort is worth it .
Cheers Tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor