Originally Posted by Gordon
lol ... wasn't me that came up with the ratio
Anyway we have now done the and it turned out to be a bit of a course for one reason or another.
brief summary of the weekend
While giving a safety brief in the marina and explaining the use and location of all equipment we turned on the vhf and monitored for a bit before carrying out a radio check .....
All Ships, All Ships ........ this is Clyde Coast Guard .......oh hear we go lol
Anyway long story short first exercise turned into a real life find the body.
All very impressive for the students being first on the scene soon to be accompanied by lifeboat rib, police rib and then the RAF Sea King ... dont ever remember seeing one at such a close range before ... very impresive!
Anyway the Sea King found the Injured person almost instantly , im guessing he had heat seeking equipment or maybe just a better view.
So First day was slightly delayed and ended up being a long.
Second day F6