Originally Posted by brucehawsker
What qualifications do I need to demonstate a boat to a prospective customer? I have taken people out in my Solent to help out Lee and Kevin a couple of times, but it was my boat and I paid fuel etc.
I have been asked to consider helping someone do demos on their boat at Ribex. What are the rules
(a) re insurance
(b) re RIBEX
(c) re any relevant authorities
(d) common sense
Should I do my 'advanced' powerboat before RIBEX? What is a 'commercial endorsement' to the 'advanced'?
Bruce as far as i know, the requirement for Ribex this year is PB2 or above. The boat exhibitor should have received notification from the organisers by now.
Best to check with them re insurance as well. Presumably you will be in their employ for the duration & therefore covered on their insurance policy. Don't assume this is the case though.
Probably see you at the show.