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Old 14 March 2009, 09:39   #1
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RIB Charter/ Hire / Coding.......

A Friend of mine is looking into starting a businness running ocaisional activity weekends for small paying groups. He would like to offer a day of Ribbing including possible donutting and wakeboarding. He asked me if I would be prepared to use my RIB for such activities to which I highlighted the fact that my boat is neither Coded or Insured for such activities when the people onboard are paying passengers.
I have mentioned to him that it may be more financially viable to charter a RIB on the ocaisional days that it is required than to go through the hassle of Coding and insuring mine. The question is how much would it cost to charter a RIB around 5.5-6.5 metres for a day and if Bareboat charter was availaible would I be able to Drive it for him? I have PB2 and safety boat along with a RYA VHF cert. Would I need these certs commercially endorsed?

I just want to make sure that If I do decide to get involved in this venture then we are both covering our arses and doing things by the book.

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Old 14 March 2009, 10:19   #2
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You can get your PBL2 commercial endorsed by sending to the RYA Its as easy as that for PBL2...... for the endorsements tho, you do how ever need to have your 1st aid cert.....only problem on a L2 endorsement is the distance you are allowed from a "safe heaven" and some charter companies prefer a higher qualification for there insurance..........your best bet for coding is to talk to MCA or your local government/council as you may be able to get local coding, there are many RYA schools / companies out there that can help you with coding.
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Old 14 March 2009, 21:31   #3
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Originally Posted by LukeSolentWaves View Post
You can get your PBL2 commercial endorsed by sending to the RYA Its as easy as that for PBL2...... for the endorsements tho, you do how ever need to have your 1st aid cert.....only problem on a L2 endorsement is the distance you are allowed from a "safe heaven"
You also need Sea Survival and a medical fitness report (ML5 is the most common, but could be ENG1) as well as your valid first aid certificate .... and don't forget the fee. A commercially endorsed PB2 would allow 3 miles from nominated departure point (not safe haven, that's slightly different), which should be plenty for the sort of activities you're thinking of.

If you're working in categorised waters rather than open sea the rules are slightly easier. If you want more info, pm me with an email address and I'll send you some details
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Old 14 March 2009, 21:58   #4
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Eng I lasts for 2 years (1 year if your morbidly obese like me) and costs a £100 and you need to go to a specialist GP plenty around. ML5 can be signed of by your GP lasts 5 years and should cost the same as HGV medical which is £75?
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Old 15 March 2009, 18:31   #5
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
ML5 can be signed of by your GP lasts 5 years and should cost the same as HGV medical which is £75?
My GP charged me £150 last week for my ML5, five years ago he charged £100. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Old 16 March 2009, 11:12   #6
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
Eng I lasts for 2 years (1 year if your morbidly obese like me) and costs a £100 and you need to go to a specialist GP plenty around. ML5 can be signed of by your GP lasts 5 years and should cost the same as HGV medical which is £75?
Your GP can charge absolutoy what ever he likles for a ML5, some do it for less than £75, most for more.

The ENG1 price is set by the MCA, my lat one wa £80, if has gone up by then it will only be a couple of quid dearer.

As Stu has said the ML5 last 5 yrs and is therfore by far the most appropriate for commercially endorsing a L2 (or for that matter an advanced).

Getting back to the original question. Hire rates for RIBs vary greatly, you will need to ask individual operators. There are however very very few commercial (bareboat) insurance policies that allow an owner to hire out to a commercial operator. We are in the charter business but its not something we would consider. The risk of a third party working for themselves on my RIB and having a claim made against him but on my policy is far to high. Most bareboat policies specifically state that barboat charter for commercial work is excluded.

This is of course their problem not yours so if they are prepared to, go for it. There are a few companies and forum mebers that do hire out leisure RIBs to other charter businesses.
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