Looking for a Surveyor for a commercial rib in the Southampton area to do a survey on a 9m rib as soon as possible. Everyone I have contacted only has availability in August. Any leads would be appreciated!
Looking for a Surveyor for a commercial rib in the Southampton area to do a survey on a 9m rib as soon as possible. Everyone I have contacted only has availability in August. Any leads would be appreciated!
You may want to try a friend of mine. Peter Hall of Hall Marine Surveys. Tel 07709 502 579. Email: hallsurveys@hotmail.co.uk
Just spoken with him and he has done a number of RIBS.
I know this post is very old but please do consider me if any similar work comes up.
I skipper a 10m Humber out of Plymouth and have worked on survey vessels for the past 3 years
Kind regards