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Old 05 January 2013, 20:12   #21
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I find that rather worrying.
our colleagues who came back from a different centre enthused over their course...covered lotsa stuff that we never touched on at our place.
But for a total newbie which is actually the better learning experience
the course was supposed to cover a more advanced syllabus than the 1day
the trainer might be great at doing practical boat stuff
A lot of folk do not like attending first aid courses ...they go because they have to. Often it is the same with the instructor, but thats not an excuse for not covering the work. I have had to have a first aid ticket for years, most courses were poor making the good ones oh so memorable. On a REC course for mountain leaders in the Lake district our diminutive NZ instructor walked in and announced "I'm a Kiwi, and the first one who calls me a bloody Aussie will be looking for his teeth at the wrong end of his digestive tract"! That unconventional greeting heralded the most memorable and "hands on" course I have ever attended-brilliant.
Dave M
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Old 06 January 2013, 01:09   #22
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Originally Posted by Doug Stormforce View Post
To clarify there are 4 different courses being discussed here

RYA First Aid (1 day) there are of course other 1 day courses from HSE, MCA and others

HSE First Aid at Work (3 days)

MCA STCW 95 Proficiency in Medical First Aid Aboard 3-4 days depending on which centre)

MCA STCW95 Proficiency in Medical Care Aboard Ship (4-5 days depending on which centre)

The 3 day HSE course is more thorough than the one day courses. Our FAW courses include Hypothermia and drowning although they are not actually on the HSE syllabus, however most of our customers are from the marine world

The 3-4 day MCA course does cover a bit more detail. The Medical Care (Ships Captains Medical) is a massive step up from all of the others. It goes well beyond "First Aid." Our lead First Aid Instructor is a paramedic himself, our Medical Care Instructor is however a retired consultant surgeon. The courses are a world apart.
I wasn't aware that there was a course between the STCW95 first aid course and the medical care aboard ship, that's why I assumed he was talking about the latter.


Compass Deliveries
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Old 06 January 2013, 07:34   #23
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For the avoidance of doubt check out this link to MNTB web Site and there you will find the syllabii and staffing requirements for the STCW 95 Medical First Aid and Medical Care courses.

MNTB - Short Course Criteria - covering STCW 95

Hope this helps.
Skippy John @ Hoylake
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