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Old 06 April 2013, 22:13   #1
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Stcw revalidation requirements

Looks like it is going to get expensive re validating in the future, 5 yearly short courses updates are going to be required from 2017
I went alongside the carrier, I survived and didnt even get shot at!!!
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Old 06 April 2013, 22:38   #2
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Just had my Class 4 revalidated but was endorsed to show from 2017 'not valid for use on ships fitted with ECDIS'

Looks like ill have to complete a number of updates if I want another revalidation in 5 years time.
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Old 07 April 2013, 08:50   #3
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Originally Posted by landlord
Just had my Class 4 revalidated but was endorsed to show from 2017 'not valid for use on ships fitted with ECDIS'

Looks like ill have to complete a number of updates if I want another revalidation in 5 years time.
Yeah, mine's just come back after a upgrade and says the same thing.
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Old 08 April 2013, 06:53   #4
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It's the STCW95 Manlina amendment's, if you have a look at the MCA website there's a lot of information.

Some companeis should be offering package deals, like the old STCW Week where you got your four basics.

There is possibly room to get some discount/deals if you do a group booking.
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Old 08 April 2013, 11:06   #5
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Costs of courses not really an issue for me as company pay for courses, just a heads up for any one with master 200t or higher
I went alongside the carrier, I survived and didnt even get shot at!!!
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Old 08 April 2013, 15:06   #6
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Just looked at the MCA website, and tried to find wht I could, and as far as I can tell the following applies;


You need an ECDIS Model course unless you have taken a navigation and equipment course since 2005. (if you are sailing on vessels with ECDIS)

Also need a certificate to show you have updated your professional knowledge for Fire fighting, Fast rescue boats, PSSC, fire prevention etc.
The MCA have not published details about these courses as yet, but I would imagine that it will be a few days wasted (sorry spent) in a classroom to get a piece of paper that is required by STCW, which in my opinion is designed to drag all down to a lowest common denominator (STCW I mean)

There are other things for people sitting new exams, but these do not affect existing licence holders, such as the social responsibility, and human element training etc.

Also changing is the tanker endorsements, not that it affects many (or any other than me) here. It means you need to sail on the particular type of tanker, such as oil, gas, chemical, or veg oil, to keep the endorsements valid, otherwise, back to school you go! (for another fee of course!)

Finally you now need a piece of paper saying you know about security if you intend to sail on a vessel that is ISSP compliant. Again mostly covered if you have a current licence, and have been sailing, otherwise a new bit for new licence takers. (for a fee of course!)

Finally a load of stuff for engineers about high voltage courses and sea time, but I did not take that bit in!

Same for me about the fees as my company will cover them, but it does take up my vacation time sitting in classes redoing a load of stuff that I have done before. The training centers must be rubbing their hands in glee!!!!
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Old 10 April 2013, 06:50   #7
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Following on from the string of posts I understand that the Merchant Navy Training Board will be producing the syllabus for the revalidation of the STCW 95 Basic and Advanced Safety Courses (except first aid and medical). I've been away for a while and haven't checked since I returned but they should be available any time now. From various meetings that I've attended at which MCA has been present it seems that there will be a 2 1/2 day course made up as;
1 day PST and CPSC & RB
1 1/2 day Basic and advanced Fire Fighting

ECDIS is another course that's been introduced by the IMO but, unless you hold a Deck Officer CoC and sail on a vessel with ECDIS NOT A CHART PLOTTER you will be required to undertake an ECDIS course at some stage. as stated previously any CoC revalidated were the CoC holder doesn't have an ECDIS Certificate will have an endorsement included in thier CoC. For the vast majority of forum members this will have little or no significance as we tend to hold a range of RYA CoC's or the MCA "Yacht" CoC's. as someone who works in the SY and Work Boat Sector I am aware that there are only a handfull of SY's that have ECDIS and use it as a primary means of navigation. I am advising everyone who asks me not to bother with takingan ECDIS Course. Time will tell whether this will affect them (and me) in gaining work on board a vessel that doesn't opearte ECDIS
Skippy John @ Hoylake
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Old 14 April 2013, 13:10   #8
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Regarding ECDIS. This is my feeling. I work in the windfarm support industry for a company running a fleet of DNV class 19&24m vessels all fitted with ECDIS as the primary means of navigation. As the standards of these vessels continue to increase I can see more and more being fitted with ECDIS as their primary means of navigation. It's another expensive course to have to take but in the next couple of years or so I can see it being almost a necessity to hold it.
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Old 15 April 2013, 08:44   #9
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The STCW 95 Basic Safety Courses that will need to be revalidated by course attendance are;

Personal Survival Techniques
Basic Fire Prevention & Fire Figting
Advanced Fire Fighting*

We are still waiting for the syllabii from the MNTB however the MCA have been inicating for some time now that they expect there to be 2 courses. One will be for the 'Wet' and one for the 'Hot' courses.

The wet is expected to be one day and the hot to be one and a half days however until the syllabii are available, which will include minimum teaching hours, there is no definative course time.

For those who hold the Basic Safety Courses it is expected that you will be able to do 1/2 day on the wet and 1 day on the hot but of course this is up to the Taining Provider.

You will notice that there is no revalidation of the Elementary Fist Aid but a number of Renewable Energy Clients are stating it has to be less than 3 years old.

Hope this helps and once I am aware of the syllabii I will make a post

Skippy John @ Hoylake
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